6 More Animal Ivermectin Studies Showing Negative Fertility Effects! Depopulation?!
6 More Studies Of Negative Fertility Effects of Ivermectin/ Abamectin
Video walkthrough now available, click thumbnail to watch:
This is a continuation of Part One which details 3 other Ivermectin studies showing deleterious effects.
Did you know Merck has donated 4.4 billion FREE doses of Ivermectin to people in mainly poor countries? (src) Was this a mass sterilization campaign?
Decrease in Sperm Count & Increase In Abnormal Sperm In White Albino Rats Given Ivermectin
In a study called ‘Toxicological and pathological studies of Ivermectin on male albino rats’ Elzoghby et al, researchers examined sperm count & percentage abnormal sperm of White Albino rats given ivermectin.
Sperm Count
“Significant decrease in total sperm count with significant increase in sperm abnormality was also demonstrated.”
Sperm Abnormalities
“Various sperm abnormalities such as head, middle piece and tail abnormalities were observed in both treated groups at both 24h and 7-days post last injection. However, at 24h post last injection the degree of sperm abnormalities was significantly (P ˂0.05) higher than the control group.”
“Consequently, it could be concluded that, it is not preferable to use ivermectin particularly at double therapeutic dose mostly to breading males.”
Plummeting # of Pregnancies & Offspring In Ivermectin Rabbit Study
In a study called ‘Adverse effects of repeated doses of Ivermectin alone or with the combination of vitamin C on reproductive system of female rabbits’ by Jawad et al, researchers tested different amounts of Ivermectin and Vitamin C on rabbits and measured the number of offspring they beget.
“The results of fertility study revealed adverse effect of ivermectin therapy on fertility and block the pregnancy in all treated group except the fifth group which administered vitamin C only as compared with control group... In conclusion: Ivermectin has adverse effects on reproductive efficacy on female rabbits”

A very stark, concerning dropoff in the number of pregnancies and total offspring when the Ivermectin is introduced.
Here’s the aggregate data of Ivermectin vs no Ivermectin rabbit pregnancy rates & average number of offspring:
We see a massive reduction of pregnancy rate of 100% for the first mating and 91% for the second mating in the rabbits who received any ivermectin. We also find a plummeting average for number of offspring beget: a 100% drop in the first mating and a 92% reduction in the second mating.
“Ivermectin has adverse effects on reproductive efficacy on female rabbits”
Pathological Analysis: Study of Male & Female Fertility In Rabbit Ivermectin Recipients
In a rabbit study called ‘Pathological studies on effects of ivermectin on male and female rabbits’ by GabAllh et al. (Full study)
“Ivermectin has adverse effect on male rabbits that received either therapeutic or double therapeutic doses that varied from mild degenerative changes to complete necrosis of spermatogenic cells with complete absence of sperms. Meanwhile, female genital system was severely affected that showing severe degeneration and hemorrhage in uterus and atritic follicles and degenerated ova in ovaries. Additionally, ivermectin induced mild reversible pathological changes in parenchymatous organs of rabbits at therapeutic dose for short period of administration. Additionally, the repeated administration of either therapeutic or double therapeutic doses of ivermectin induced severe degenerative changes and necrosis in some parenchymatous organs.”
Histopathological Results
“The histopathological results revealed mild to moderate reversible degenerative changes in examined organs of male rabbits received ivermectin weekly for 4 weeks meanwhile, this degeneration become more severe and extended to complete necrosis in some organs after longer period and higher doses of ivermectin administration.”
“Pregnant females suffered from abortion in some cases with fetal death. Female genital system was severely affected that showing severe degeneration and hemorrhage in uterus as well as atritic follicles and degenerated ova in ovaries.”
“Fig.1 Testis of male rabbit received (0.8mg/kg b.wt) ivermectin for 4weeks showing presence of multiple sperm giant cells (H&E x100). Fig.2 Testes of male rabbit received (0.4mg/kg b.wt) ivermectin for 8weeks showing vacuolation in the cytoplasm of spermatogenic cells with pyknotic nucleus. H&Ex400).”
“Fig3 Epididymis of male rabbit received (0.4mg/kg b.wt) ivermectin for 8weeks showing accumulation of necrotic sperms and some of them hyalinized together with mononuclear leucocytic infiltration (blue color) in the epididymal tubules. (H&E x200).”
“Fig.13: Feti of pregnant does that received daily ivermectin at dose 0.4mg/k.g b.wt S.C and slaughtered at 28th day of pregnancy showing stunted growth. Fig.14: Ovary of pregnant does that received daily ivermectin at dose 0.4mg/k.g b.wt S.C and slaughtered at 28 th day of pregnancy showing multiple degenerated and atritic follicles scattered on the ovarian stroma (H&E x100)”
Abamectin Vs Male Fertility & Decreased Pregnancy Rates
In a study called ‘Abamectin Pesticide Exposure and Male Infertility: Human Exposure Studies Supported By Animal Studies Point Out a Considerable Relationship’ by Celik-Ozenci et al examined a very similar pesticide to Ivermectin, Abamectin.
“Abm levels in plasma, testis, liver and adipose tissues increased significantly in LTG and HTGs. Besides normal appearance, germinal epithelium revealed presence of marked depletion of germ cells and occurrence of multinucleated giant cells. Sperm motility and [Pregnancy Rates] decreased significantly in experimental group rats. High plasma Abm levels were found in infertile farmers.”
“Percentage of sperm with normal chromatin, membranous and cytoplasmic maturity and sperm motility decreased in infertile men.”
“Abm exists at high concentrations in testes of male rats and decreased Pregnancy Rates indicate a relationship between Abm and male infertility. Tubule damage and decreased sperm motility may explain this effect. Sperm motility, sperm maturity markers of farmers exposed to Abm were negatively affected. Thus, Abm exposure can contribute to male infertility.”
Ivermectin & Male Fertility in Rats: Major Hit To Sperm Metrics
In a study called ‘Effects of ivermectin and its combination with alpha lipoic acid on expression of IGFBP-3 and HSPA1 genes and male rat fertility’ by EL-Maddawy and Naby, researchers looked into Ivermectin, and changes in fertility metrics & expression of two genes in rat testis. (full report)
Rat Ivermectin Recipients Decreased Sperm Count, Sperm Motility, Living Sperm & Testosterone
“Low level of intratesticular testosterone may lead to detachment of germ cells from seminiferous epithelium and initiate germ cell apoptosis and subsequent male infertility (Lanco-Rodriguez & Martinez-Garcia, 1998)”
IGFBP-3 and HSPA1 Increased
The study found that “expression levels of IGFBP-3 and HASPA1 were significantly increased in testis of the IVM-treated group relative to the control group”
“Ivermectin administration significantly induced upregulation of IGFBP-3 and HASPA1 to 11.31 ± 1.50 and 6.68 ± 1.13 relative to the control group”
In other words, the ivermectin recipients were expressing 11.31 times more IGFBP-3 & 6.68 times more HASPA1
The paper authors bring up other research about what this might signify:
“IGFBP-3 is a functionally important mediator of germ cell apoptosis in testes and has a direct action on induction of testicular germ cell death (Lue et al., 2010). So, increased IGFBP-3 expressions in our study may lead to induced germ cell apoptosis in the ivermectin-injected group”
“The HSP genes expression was induced under the physiopathological condition and by various stressful stimuli (Hunt et al., 2004 and Li et al., 2016). The induced expression of HSPA1A is needed for the refolding of damaged and unfolded proteins produced under stress (Scieglinska, Piglowski, Chekan, Mazurek, & Krawczyk, 2011). Therefore, HSPA1 gene reported as a cytoprotective gene (Calderwood & Ciocca, 2008). Moreover, Hunt et al. (2004) demonstrated that HSP70.1 has an important role in maintaining genomic stability caused by stress condition.”
Rat Ivermectin Recipients Sex Organs Were Reduced In Weight
Index Weight (IW) is the weight of an organ, normalized to the total weight of the animal.
“There was a significant (p ≤ 0.05) decrease in index weight of testes, epididymis and accessory sex organs in the IVM group versus control.”
Microscope Images of HE Stained Rat Testes (×100 and 250 Magnification)
“Where (c) seminiferous tubules showing severe vacculation of germinal epithelium, degeneration with an absence of spermatozoa (arrows) and interstitial edema (arrowhead) and (d) showing disorganized seminiferous tubules with severe vacculation of germinal epithelium and degeneration (arrows) with interstitial edema (arrowhead)”
191% Increase In Abnormal Sperm Rate In Ivermectin Treated Mice Shows Japan Study
In a study from Japan called ‘Mutagenic effects of the combination and its components of albendazole and ivermectin in vivo and in vitro’ by Deng et al, researchers experimented with treating mice with ivermectin and measured the change in abnormal sperm activity
Checkout part 1 of the Ivermectin vs fertility series for 3 more related studies:
God bless you Tim!
"Ivermectin Truth" is *extremely unpopular* from my personal experience, and this may bring you a bunch of hate.
So, I applaud you for your bravery covering this issue. I'm still working on my Ivermectin piece. I'm hoping to have it completed shortly.
Wise people avoid ALL Pharmaceuticals, because they know what the Bible calls it:
Pharmakeia (G5331) Sorcery/Witchcraft
Revelation 18:23-23 (NLT) The light of a lamp will never shine in you again. The happy voices of brides and grooms will never be heard in you again. For your merchants were the greatest in the world, and you deceived the nations with your sorceries (G5331 - Pharmakeia).