NEGATIVE EFFICACY?! Multiple Studies Showing C19 mRNA Vax Protection Falls Precipitously BELOW ZERO
"Negative Efficacy" Or Damaged Immune Systems?
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When deciding whether to take an injection that claims to prevent disease many people weigh the benefits and the risks. What are the dangers/ unknowns and are the benefits substantially worth taking on the risk?
But what happens if/ when the benefit rapidly disappears, or worse yet, goes negative? Once the efficacy goes negative, an individual is left with all the initial risks PLUS an elevated chance of catching the very disease the injection was hyped to prevent.
We should also consider the possibility that “negative efficacy” is indicative of an underlying damaged immune system. Something that attacks people’s immune systems would be a perfect weapon for genocidal maniacs who don’t want to get caught killing people.
Srestha Et Al
In a paper called ‘Effectiveness of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Bivalent Vaccine’ a result set of vaccine effectiveness in a young population cohort shows that with every additional C19 shot, the participants experienced higher cumulative covid cases (as a percentage of total)
Full paper:
Pfizer-BioNTech Vax Efficacy In Children, Study By Lin & Wheeler NEJM September 2022
In a now viral correspondence to the NEJM editor, ‘Effects of Vaccination and Previous Infection on Omicron Infections in Children,’ Lin & Wheeler present a very concerning series of charts pertaining to estimated effectiveness of the BNT162b2 vaccines for children:
As you can see, the chart plummets through the ZERO percent efficacy line and is still falling fast at the end of the chart. Suspiciously, the bottom end of the chart is capped at -20% efficacy, which the “previously infected children” efficacy drops through at week 20. In typical fashion with these types of studies we are left not just with a cliff hanger, but rather plummeting headlong into nightmare territory.
Take for example the first chart in this same paper. Notice how the green line hits -20% in April and they just stop reporting on it’s downward fall:
Another pair of charts from the correspondence to the NEJM editor calls into question whether the vaccines are actively stifling immunity learned from beating prior infections naturally.
The best lines to compare here seem to be the blue lines: effectiveness against delta variant of just natural immunity (left) vs effectiveness of BNT162b2+natural immunity (right)
What we see is a completely different chart shape for the dropping off of the protection. In both charts we see an accelerating drop in protection for the first 1.5-2 months. However, we then see a marked divergence at approximately 2 months in: for those who took the BNT162b2 shots, the protection drops MASSIVELY compared to the natural protection which decelerates it’s downward trajectory. Are the vaccines destroying people’s natural protection?
Keep in mind, the paper presents limited data pertaining to protection against the omicron variant for children vaccinated AFTER a prior infection- note the red line on the right chart is cut off before we can see how low it crashes.
The paper’s data table shows massively negative rates before the data is abruptly stopped:
Tseng Et Al. Study
In a paper on MedRxiv called ‘Effectiveness of mRNA-1273 against infection and COVID-19 hospitalization with SARS-CoV-2 Omicron subvariants: BA.1, BA.2, BA.2.12.1, BA.4, and BA.5’ Tseng et al. presented results from their study involving 123,236 adults.
Let’s hone in data for what the corrupt CDC claims is the dominant prevailing variant: BA5 at 81.3% of the total cases for week of 10/1:
Rudan Et Al. Study Dropping Vax Efficacy In Children
In a paper called ‘BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccination uptake, safety, effectiveness and waning in children and young people aged 12–17 years in Scotland’ in The Lancet Regional Health Europe publication Rudan et al. examined the Pfizer-BioNTech shot’s effectiveness in children by studying Scottish chilren in the 12–17 year age bracket
The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has a good synopsis on their Twitter:
Here is the data for observed vaccine effectiveness after the 1st BNT162b2 shot
CDC Slide On ICATT mRNA Effectiveness From Surveillance Data:
According to data presented by the CDC at one of their meetings: in all age groups the booster efficacy falls quickly and in some age brackets, smashes through into negative effectiveness territory.
Xu, Li, Kirui Et Al. Lancet Paper
In their paper published in the lancet “Effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccines Over 13 Months Covering the Period of the Emergence of the Omicron Variant in the Swedish Population” Xu, Li, Kirui presented some worrying findings.
“VE against COVID-19 infection after two doses of any vaccine peaked at week three with 72% but then dropped quickly to 19.5% by weeks 14-17 and showed no protection from week 18” (src)
Here’s the data in the ‘post-Omicron era’:
Hansen Et Al. Danish mRNA Vaccine Efficacy Study
In a paper called “Vaccine effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 infection with the Omicron or Delta variants following a two-dose or booster BNT162b2 or mRNA-1273 vaccination series: A Danish cohort study” Hansen et al. published data showing massively waning efficacy against Omicron in vaccinees with both brands of mRNA vaccine.
Nordström & Ballin Lancet Paper
In their paper ‘Risk of infection, hospitalization, and death up to 9 months after a second dose of COVID-19 vaccine: a retrospective, total population cohort study in Sweden’ published in The Lancet, Nordström & Ballin found that efficacy drops quickly and even drops below ZERO PERCENT.
The efficacy is still dropping at the end of the study which raises the question: how low will it go?
Piernas Et Al Paper In The Lancet
In their paper called “Associations of BMI with COVID-19 vaccine uptake, vaccine effectiveness, and risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes after vaccination in England: a population-based cohort study,” Piernas et al studied the vaccine effectiveness by number of doses and duration since the last dose. Here is the data for vaccine effectiveness for healthy weight individuals:
OR is the odds ratio which could be described as how many times more likely somebody is to test positive for covid than an unvaccinated person.
So for people who took one shot, they were 3.2 times more likely to test positive for Covid19 in the first week, 3.8 times more likely in the second week, 2.09 times more likely in the third week, 1.88 times more likely in the fourth week and 2.11 times more likely to test positive after that (through the end of the study)
For people who took two shots, they were 1.42 times more likely to test positive for Covid19 in the first week, 1.06 times more likely in the second week, and 1.44 times more likely to test positive after that (through the end of the study)
All of these aforementioned odds ratios correspond with negative effectiveness and in some instances, massively negative effectiveness.
Fleming-Dutra Et Al. JAMA Paper
In a paper published in JAMA called “Association of Prior BNT162b2 COVID-19 Vaccination With Symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Children and Adolescents During Omicron Predominance”
Buchan Et Al. JAMA Paper
In their paper “Estimated Effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccines Against Omicron or Delta Symptomatic Infection and Severe Outcomes,” Buchan Et Al. also find a massive drop off in mRNA protection against symptomatic covid. Unlike some of the other studies in this article, the vaccine effectiveness against the omicron variant crash into negative territory, but it is claimed to stall at around 0%. Importantly the 95% confident range extends well into negative territory after 6 months
The Shameful Segregation Excuse
Despite the massively dropping vax efficacy, I don’t think anybody sunk lower than Bodner, Knight, Hamilton et al. excusing negative vax efficacy in their paper funded by the Nuremberg-violating Candian govt. They propose a possible explanation to explain away negative efficacy: the negative vaccine efficacy could be due to the banishing of the unvaxxed from society leading to more contact amongst the vaccinated in comparison. Keep in mind this is being put forward during the height of the vaccine apartheid/ nuremberg violating mass discriminatory layoffs:
“Contact heterogeneity refers to different levels of contact among and between population subgroups. Increased contact between vaccinated persons, potentially arising due to policies that restrict certain spaces to vaccinated individuals (e.g. vaccine mandates), is one type of contact heterogeneity (hereafter, vaccinated contact heterogeneity)”
A Note On Vaccine Effectiveness
There are 2 major ways to measure efficacy: absolute risk reduction & relative risk reduction. The medical establishment loves to use relative risk reduction for the benefits of the vaccine to make the decision of taking the vaccine look more rewarding. For the side effects they use the absolute risks to minimize the perception of dangers. They also regularly fail/ refuse to talk about how the risk reduction changes over time. "Nobody said anything about waning efficacy” falsely claimed the CDC director.
According to Pfizer’s initial efficacy trials the Relative Risk Reduction was 95% and yet the Absolute Risk Reduction was only 0.84%. I have reason to believe it would be foolish to accept this at face value. The kicker is that the study only looked for 2 months!
Other Observations
Does this (at least partly) explain the rise in excess deaths that we are seeing in countries around the world in the wake of the mRNA shot rollout?
Are we really to believe that long term detrimental effects on the immune system are isolated to just the Covid19 disease? Perhaps the entire immune system is affected. See these videos for more information and what pathologists are seeing in post-vaccination autopsies. If we’re witnessing general immune impairment then this could manifest itself in the form of out of control cancers, infections and other disease.
We should be hyper-vigilant here as mass immune impairment would be a suitable approach to achieving the oligarchs’ genocidal ambitions. Deaths would pile up that would be hard to trace back to the shots. These deaths could even be classified in such a way to give “public health” more excuses to curtail freedom and coerce damaging shots.
Isn’t it interesting how many of these studies cut off right before/ after the efficacy crashes below zero?
I also find it very interesting to see how many “fact checks” quickly popped up claiming the shots have saved 10s of millions of lives. They usually “simulate” how many lives were spared for a very short period of time and by making erroneous assumptions about durability of vaccine effectiveness. If mRNA users are in store for long term detrimental effects, especially with repeated dosing every year, then obviously a short term simulation with positive efficacy is massively misleading. Worse still, Nuremberg-violators are trying to use these simulation results to justify prior and future crimes against humanity in the form of vax mandates and apartheid segregation/ discrimination.
The initial claims of C19 mRNA shots being “95% effective” “medical miracles” look hugely overblown if not entirely false and fraudulent. Now we are seeing data suggesting that protection has always been illusory and when the mirage vanishes, people can be stuck in a very unfortunate condition of increased susceptibility to the disease they were told they would be spared from if they took on the dangers of the experimental injections.
Therefore a concerning possibility arises whereby peoples’ bodies might be harmed extensively from the compounding negative efficacy of repeated shots and all the side effects from repeated shots.
The products have never been tested in the repeating schedule that public health misleaders are trying to herd us into. Not only have they never tested taking an untested “updated” mRNA shot every year (or more)- they haven’t even bothered studying the long term effects of any one mRNA C19 shot. There is also the possibility that an untested updated shot might be especially negatively effective or otherwise damaging.
Wow. While I haven't fully read this, a brief skim gives me the impression that it's a great introduction to the implications of these findings.
I intend to come back to this later.
Thanks for the work you do.
Well documented and well written. Thank you for fighting