Massive 2022 Drop In Births: Germany -14%, Greece -12%, Hungary & Finland -11%, UK -9% & Much More
This statistical compilation has been made into a movie
After bad news after bad news has come out about the vaccines possibly causing infertility, official government stats for the first quarter of 2022 are beginning to indicate something is very wrong.
Overview Synopsis (via @BirthGauge On Twitter):
This chart shows countries’ changes in first period births in 2022 vs 2021. It is usually for 2022 Q1 vs 2021 Q1, but sometimes the compared periods differ in # of months, you can see how many months are being compared in the last column:
This excellent synopsis was compiled by the BirthGauge Twitter account. The 2021 and 2022 columns refer to the first quarter in each of those years. While a handful of countries have positive numbers, there are a lot of dropping figures in 2022 vs 2021. Of highest concern are the countries with massive drops:
Mongolia: reduction in births of 20%
Germany: reduction in births of 14.3% (See below)
Estonia: reduction in births of 12.6%
Greece: reduction in births of 11.7%
Hungary: reduction in births of 10.7%
Finland: reduction in births of 10.6%
See other data below
The following chart compares the first quarter of 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022. Note the massive 22,929 reduction in births this year’s Q1 vs last year’s Q1 which means the number of births was slashed by 12.2%!
From the official German Federal Statistical Office government data:
Germany is reporting a reduction of 14.3% in their births in Q1 2022 vs Q1 2021!
Projection is found by multiplying (Jan 22 births + Feb 22 births) by 1.51666666667 to account for the 60 days of known data to normalize for the 91 days in Q1 2022.
This indicates that Q1 2022 is on track to have a reduction of births by 9.4% from the level in the same period of 2021
This is a drop in births of 4.6% from Q1 2021 → Q1 2022 and Q2 is off the a worse start. The first month of Q2, April 2022 is down 11.3% from April 2021.
From the Taiwanese government website we can observe the number of births in Taiwan by month. When charted you can see how drastically they are reducing:
Q2 estimate is found by multiplying (Jan 22 births + Feb 22 births) by 1.4918 to account for the 61 days of known data to normalize for the 91 days in Q2 2022.
Q2 of 2022 is on track to have reduction of births of 22.3% compared to Q2 of 2021
Norway births in Q1 of 2022 down 16% from Q1 2021:
April 2022 was down 10.4% from April 2021. Q1 2022 was down 5.2%
North Dakota
A Connection To The Vaccines
One obvious possibility is the 22% reduction in male fertility (as measured by total motile count) observed in the 37 sperm bank donors tested before and after their 2 shots of Pfizer’s mRNA. Check out the full article on the study concerning reduced motile count: Fertility Issue In Men After Pfizer Vax?! IMPAIRED Semen Concentration & Total Motile Count, Study Finds (Video)
When we look at the German vaccine rollout, we see a troubling temporal connection between the mass vax rollout in the populations of childbearing significance and the massive 14.3% year-over-year drop in births:
Establishment Damage Control
Twitter even pushed out this new Bloomberg Opinion as breaking news in the “What’s Happening” trending box.
Keep in mind Michael Bloomberg attended a secret (self proclaimed) Good Club meeting of uberweathy billionaires in 2009. While the discussions were conceiled from the public for obvious reasons, corporate media gave us some hints in their article They're called the Good Club - and they want to save the world. Note they want to “save the world,” but not save humanity. What masterful language! In fact if you read past the headline you see they actually say they met to discuss the “global health issue” of “overpopulation”
Bloomberg made some incredibly disturbing comments to bankers at Goldman Sachs About drone striking his opponents if he is elected president & advising bribing/ threatening congress to make them do what you want:
Let’s also look at the long term trends showing massively reducing birth rates:
Infertility Chemicals In Food, Water & Vaccines?!
Remember that the UNICEF & WHO have been credibly accused of sterilizing poor people by offering them vaccines but injecting immunocontraceptives. In a press statement by the Catholic Bishops in Kenya:
On March 26, 2014 and October 13, 2014, we met the Cabinet Secretary in-charge of health and the Director of Medical Services among others and rasied our concerns about the Vaccine and agreed to jointly test the vaccine. However the ministry did not cooperate and the joint tests were not done. The Catholic Church struggled and acquired several vials of the vaccine, which we sent to Four unrelated Government and private laboratories in Kenya and abroad. We want to announce here, that all the tests showed that the vaccine used in Kenya in March and October 2014 was indeed laced with the Beta- HCG hormone. On 13th of October 2014, the Catholic Church gave copies of the results to the cabinet secretary and the Director of Medical Services. The same was emailed to the Director of Medical Services on October 17, 2014.
We must not forget the UNICEF/ WHO sterilization scandals, not just in Kenya, but also the similar allegations Mexico, Nicaragua & The Philippines. Also, imagine all the other billions of injection doses administered around the world, and what they might have been laced with.
Remember The Jaffe Memo to Rockefeller’s Population Council in 1969 which advocated for reducing the fertility rate? Among a litany of ideas from the Planned Parenthood VP toward this end: including adding infertility chemicals to water supplies, requiring government licenses to have children, taxing parents more and promoting homosexuality:
Bernard Berelson, head of the Population Council, turned around after receiving this memo and in 1969 published in the Population Council’s publication, “Studies in Family Planning” an article called “Beyond Family Planning.” This sordid document included similar ideas as those espoused by Jaffe:
These depopulation ideals were furthered in the Nixon presidency where Henry Kissinger & Rockefeller decided there were too many people and tasked the US gov’t with reducing the future population:
There is no single approach which will "solve" the population problem… Coordination among the bilateral donors and multilateral organizations is vital to any effort to moderate population growth… World policy and programs in the population field should incorporate… actions to keep the ultimate level as close as possible to 8 billions rather than permitting it to reach 10 billions, 13 billions, or more.
Democrats are actually pushing some bills at the moment that sound right up these insane oligarchs’ alley:
Do you have up to date data showing if the drop rebounded?