Holy shit!!!

Great job, Tim! This is a fantastic deep dive.

Thank you!!

I'm sure my mentor & friend "Nurse Rose" would be thanking you, if she were still around.


PS: want to go deeper?

1: Look into whether ivermectin is effective at curing onchocerciasis! (Which is its claim as a "wonder drug")

2: Which agency is involved in tracking ivermectin toxicity surveillance data? (It's really interesting, when you find out "WHO"!)

3: Look into what famous foundation is funding ivermectin research... Could it be.... Yes it could be!

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Amen Bill! Ask the pertinent questions, get people to think from a different perspective, and hopefully, arrive at their own, logical conclusions.

Who, or what can you trust these days, truly?

As our friend Tom Cowan says.... How do we know something is TRUE or REAL? We can only rely on our senses, experiences, and use logic & reasoning. Because everything else is essentially just "because someone told you it was true/real" and/or "consensus" - which is never a logical way to think.

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IVM is the jab = the spike pesticide itself ... HCQ helps it get into brain and past barriers like gut, placenta, teat ... they are designed to deplete already deprived flush niacin + lactoferrin ... that's the pandemic

genociding many people ...

flush niacin + lactoferrin is your savior.



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> IVM is the jab = the spike pesticide itself .

Huh? You seem a little bit mixed up.

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IVM is the jab = the spike pesticide itself

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Scuse me, but those of us in the "no virus camp" have been screaming this from the rooftops for MONTHS!

Also, since there is no virus, what the hell are people taking Ivermectin & HCQ for exactly? They don't know. Even germ believers who don't believe that they "got COVID" willingly propagate ivermectin & HCQ, which i also find quite strange.


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Why are you double-replying to every comment the exact same thing? I have like 6 notifications from you that are identical.

Ivermectin is not the injection. Im not even going to entertain that statement any further.

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The spike protein does not exist. Stop spamming comments

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The uniqueness of each and every individual all genetically, epi-genetically and biochemically affords that any foreign product that a human or animal is exposed to poses always a risk of harm. It is naive for any competent or not so competent individual to treat products different from water as the same as such.

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yeah that bogus "dirt road" Danny he was a fake and he got thousands of people to trust this evil crap!! and then he dies suddenly? what a exit plan after he knowingly participated in getting innocent people to take it. Yes I took a few tubes but then Father God and Holy Spirit told me to throw it all out!! I am so glad I did and someone is still pushing that damn fenzabozle as well on rumormillnews.com to-day Thanks Tim for standing for Father God and Truth!!

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Removed (Banned)Jan 8, 2023·edited Jan 8, 2023
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SARS-COV2 (or any so-called "variant") and HIV do not exist. No virus has ever fulfilled Koch's or River's postulates. No experiment to isolate has followed the scientific method - there are no controls.

Their method of "isolation" seems to serve the exact opposite of the definition- rather than to separate from everything else, they ADD more unknown genetic material to the petri dish of supposedly "infected" viral cells... then they add toxic chemicals & nutrient-depleting chemicald.... then they say "Ah-ha! The cells are dying!!! Therefore, it MUST be a virus!"

No shit the cells are dying. Thats what happens when you poison cells & starve them of critical nutrients.

They never do the exact same steps but without adding supposedly "infected" viral sample. However, Dr Stephan Lanka has done it. And he has disproven the entire THEORY of virology.



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May 4, 2023·edited May 4, 2023

You seem confused - you cant "mimic" something that does not exist. It isn't possible.

Cell cultures are not equivalent to a bioweapon. It is a toxic soup of biological and pharmaceutical components. Thats it. Youre conflating the so-called "isolation" process with a bio-weapon. Which is incorrect.

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RemovedJan 3, 2023·edited Jan 3, 2023
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Curious stuff.

It 'has' been around for decades. Before the psychopaths pivoted to prompt-lethal injections. Was on the WHO list of essential medicines. Had been patented.

Pharma wasn't ever pure. Nor WHO. Or FDA/CDC.. So none of that probably matters.

But, with many Billions of doses administered over decades, into humans and livestock, surely these 'issues' would have presented? The sample size is massive.

I would want to dive deep on each trial, each PI, and anyone associated with them. We've already seen that virtually no-one absent conflicts of interest gets published. Or sits on the Boards. Or Panels. Or, Or, Or...

I guess the only 'cure' you can really trust is the one you grow yourself or take from nature. What a terrible state we've been driven to - trust has been decimated. And it is all aligned with the 4th IR Firesale - everything must crumble before the Luciferians BBB.


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You need to accept that any product that is foreign to human biochemistry always has the potential to be harmful. Toxicology must be respected when dealing with anything injected, transdermally applied, consumed or inhaled into the sinuses or lungs.

Any belief is irrelevant as facts and understanding matter conclusively.

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Thats some backwards logic ya got there. You're told 1 big pharma drug is "safe & effective", while knowing that is a flat out lie.

Then there are conflicting mainstream opinions on whether Ivermectin is "safe & effective" (despite the fence-sitters & those who buy into germ theory choosing to believe the messaging was 100% "negative" , there were actually tons of so-called "normies" and mainstream sources who were pushing Ivermectin & HCQ). But somehow THIS big pharma drug is OBVIOUSLY actually "safe & effective".

Rather than flat out tell yourself that you can't trust THIS study for some arbitrary reason (but other studies are ok, as long as they show positive outcomes right?), consider this source instead?


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