what about the claims of people being cured of cancer with laetrile? - Heres an example, with a short explanation of how laetrile allegedly fights cancer:


Vitamin B-17 is a molecule made up of four parts:

-2 parts Glucose

-1 part Benzaldahyde

-1 part Hydrogen Cyanide

I know what you’re thinking. Cyanide? Yikes! Don’t worry, cyanide in this form is non-toxic, just like it is in this form of B-12 (Cyanocobalamin).

Normal healthy cells contain the enzyme Rhodanese which neutralizes the Benzaldahyde and Hydrogen Cyanide in B-17. It converts them to the useful nutrient compounds Thyiocyanate and Benzoic acid.

Here’s the amazing part:

The glucose delivers B-17 to the cancer cells, but cancer cells do not have the enzyme Rhodanese to neutralize the cyanide. Instead they have a unique enzyme called Beta-Glucosidase. This “unlocking enzyme”, found only in cancer cells, releases the Benzaldahyde and Cyanide from the glucose and each other creating a targeted poison that kills the cancer cell. It’s kind of like “natural chemo”.

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Heres a documentary about Sloan Kettering covering up positive results of use of laetrile on mice with cancer: https://www.secondopinionfilm.com/

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Delete as well

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What about grape seeds?

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You’re an idiot.

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“Idiot,” for pointing out a fact. Sounds like you don’t appreciate getting all sides of the story. Maybe one of the Anti-First-Amendment freaks?

Chemotherapy is CYTOTOXIC.

I would tell you the definition of that, but I are idiot two

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Tim! You know what is definitely not poison - chemotherapy. Oh wait, in Sweden they Call it cellgift, literally poison.

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Aug 11
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By the way I went to the health Ranger store and he does NOT SELL ANY Amygdalin OR apricot seed so WHERE DO YOU GET YOUR INFO FROM!!! Not true!

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Aug 11
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BUSTED. Thanks Jacob

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Aug 11
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Okay well you said he is having a big sale a campaign so when reading that it instantly makes people think you are referring to what this article is talking about aka apricot seeds! So that’s why I assumed that.

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Aug 11
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At the 16:45 minute mark he specifically mentions that upon taking a higher dose it WILL KILL PEOPLE and also that it’s mentioned in the book he is referring to by Dr James Duke and also mentions it will cause horrific things such as blindness, bones issues, muscles issues, injure pregnant women etc etc and he says be cautious and research before doing ANYTHING with it and the very start he said he is not recommending it or giving medical advise etc and to do your own research and get a naturopathic doctor etc

Now yes I fully agree with you on all of what you are saying and I have listened to every single video he has put out for the last 8 years!!! I also get all his emails etc and he sends out emails at least once a week promoting one of his products and in regards to him sending out some email promoting apricot seeds etc I personally have NOT got that and just went through my emails and see he only send out emails on preparedness, another on nascent iodine which I take and love.

I have been annoyed with Mike Adams the last several months because I feel his wishy washyness with Trump and his promoting hope and things will get better (after shit hits the fan) which I do NOT agree with and that is NOT what the Bible tells us and I follow the Bible and only trust Jesus Christ and as for Trump I have grown to HATE him and I fully believe he is the antichrist and he checks off more boxes than Obama but the world is obsessed with him and and ignores all the total BIBLICAL BLASPHEMY which is insane for all these so called Christian supporters to ignore along with all the garbage such as the golden statues he has, him constantly retweeting when anyone refers to him as being like Jesus or the chosen one and I’m so sick of his supporters making excuse after excuse for him in regards to the shot https://theserapeum.com/the-mark-of-the-beast-made-in-gods-image/

which he still promotes to this very day and says his supporters should get and how amazing it is and how it’s saved lives and is truly a miracle and works, then if you look into all the symbolism behind it, it’s blatantly clear that it is all satanic to the core along with his other programs like space force and his penthouse decor from ceiling to floor with Greek gods mainly Apollo which if you research into him, he is the bringer and the cure for disease with a “poke” and also spoken of in Revelation 9:11 They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer).

Connect that with CERN and all the research behind that which all connects it together. Trump also has a spa at a golf course https://www.trumphotels.com/ireland/spa

For anyone that pays very close attention to thing such as myself and I also only trust my OWN research and I always go DEEP into everything… the horses 🐴 mane has a 666 in it, there are many words throughout his website using very specific odd words like ritual and the white horse is biblical and people need to research into that. It is completely undeniable how HE IS PURE EVIL AND HE KNOWS WHAT HE IS DOING AT ALL TIMES AND THE SYMBOLISM IN EVERYTHING HE DOES… with his 5D chess 😂 and his constant hand gestures that are Illuminati https://duckduckgo.com/?q=trumo+illuminati+signs&iax=images&ia=images

and he has done it for a long time and always does it in pictures, videos, interviews, rally’s etc people can’t say he doesn’t understand what that means 😂 also his VP choice is unbelievable it goes extremely deep https://unlimitedhangout.com/2024/07/investigative-reports/the-man-behind-trumps-vp-pick-its-worse-than-you-think/

😂 along with all the so called times he got tricked by everyone he put into a position of power or promoted to be in a position of power like Pence, Barr etc he did NOT GET TRICKED, ALL OF THE WORLD HAS BEEN TRICKED, HE HAS ALWAYS KNOWN EXACTLY WHAT HE IS DOING AND WHAT EVERYTHING MEANS IN THE SYMBOLISM and Mike Adams for a while was against him and wasn’t going to vote which is only playing along with their game of this choice or that choice which are BOTH on the same exact side and work for the same exact people at the top! Voting only continues on with their game and lets us be controlled, what they would really have a problem with is all of us NOT GOING ALONG WITH IT ANYMORE, that’s what they fear! And there is absolutely NO STOPPING ANY OF THIS!!! There are so many FALSE PROPHETS (which we were warned about in the Bible that would come along in the end times) and people like Marjory Taylor Green as 1 example of people making public statements COMPARING TRUMP TO JESUS CHRIST and then Trump always retweets or retruth’s (whatever) it definitely going along with it and feeding into it and always wanting to be compared to a god! https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/07/21/trump-prophets-frenzy-assassination-attempt-00169084

I believe many of them are FAKE but seem very real and like good people but they are evil playing their “part” on this show to make the world wonder after the beast, they are GIVEN this info before it ever happens that way it looks like they are real prophets, I’m sure they’re being paid off! https://www.christianpost.com/voices/the-trump-reelection-prophecy-that-you-never-heard-about.html

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I totally agree on the Trump messiah bullshit. I dont think he got hit by any bullet. Hes a part of the satanic theater. About false prophets: there is a danger of End Times and Armageddon prophecies to be self fulfilling, thus furthering the satanic agenda, which we see in the insane transhumanist agenda, that purports to be a technocratic return to the Garden of Eden - no genders, no death etc.. The russian orthodox church has taken out the armageddon parts as far as i know.

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