The Deadly Chemical Rotenone Is Dangerously Dumped Into Rivers and Streams Around The World
Thanks for the great post. I was not aware of these issues, but it doesn’t surprise me. The one’s authorizing these projects are idiots or they are doing it for nefarious reasons. I think it’s the later.
Prey for us…🙏🏻
Abomination against God and Man…prey for us…
Hey Tim, I made this little FDA Vision-Comprehension Exam. Would you check it out?
It's only 60 seconds.
Thanks for the great post. I was not aware of these issues, but it doesn’t surprise me. The one’s authorizing these projects are idiots or they are doing it for nefarious reasons. I think it’s the later.
Prey for us…🙏🏻
Abomination against God and Man…prey for us…
Hey Tim, I made this little FDA Vision-Comprehension Exam. Would you check it out?
It's only 60 seconds.