Well, I don’t know who to trust anymore, but I have some of my own observations. I have chronic Lyme disease. There is no treatment and I have been reading about Ivermectin and how it might help alleviate symptoms. I have used it on my farm for years with nearly miraculous results for parasites/mites/worms, etc with zero side effects. I decided to give it a shot. I used 25mg ivermectin and fenbendazole for 7 days then nothing for 5 and treatment again for 7 days. I haven’t felt this good in YEARS! I’m sleeping, I have energy, and my neurological symptoms are greatly reduced. I have tried every herb/tincture/tea/salve for over 4 years and aside from chlorine dioxide, nothing has compared to the relief I got from Ivermectin. Take this for what it’s worth.
I took 3 months of Antabuse (Disulfiram) and it stopped my Lyme symptoms. I suffered Lyme for 42 years. Undiagnosed for 36 years.
I took a ton of herbs for 6 years after the diagnosis. Disulfiram was discovered in 1885! Why is no one talking about any of this? It’s a deep rabbit hole to say the least. Here’s to your being healed to completion soon.
Thank you for sharing this and for telling the truth. I have heard from several people that ivermectin was the only thing that cured their Lyme Disease after years of suffering and trying every possible treatment, mainstream and holistic.
I would suspect that many reactions to the Ivermectin were caused by overdosing or by the incompatibility between Ivermectin and other drugs being taken. We used Ivermectin for Covid and it worked very well! We used AVL brand clear fluid which contains 10mg per Millilitre. Recommend dose was
1 millilitre for each 50kg. This was taken orally on an empty stomach at bed time for 5 days straight. Before taking it, you must check to see if is compatible with any other drugs you are taking and you must do the math correctly to avoid overdose. Overdosing can cause horrific side effects. AVL Ivermectin is a brand produced for veterinary use on horses, however, Ivermectin is Ivermectin! You cannot take Ivermectin with Statins.
I have heard that Ivermectin works for Lyme Disease , but I wonder where you found the dosage?? Would less not work?
I would suspect that the previous whole screed is propaganda of the most virulent kind. I have been taking the much maligned "horse paste" for years as a prophylactic for Covid-19 and other diseases and what a miracle, I can still see. Praise the Lord. This whole voluminoous article is major B.S. made up from some criminal mind without human conscience or pity. Feel free to ignore it all.
I heard you can not overdose on ivermectic. My guess is it written by a 12 year old or paid bs from the can cer mafia cause theres a lot of money in manufacturing
"They' most certainly don't want persons to get better of Cancer! oh no! or Lyme disease, or RA or countless other inflammatory diseases that likely all have parasites at the root.
are you sure it is that easy, to overdose? or that it has horrific side effects? I am interested in studying it. So far, I have mostly heard it is very safe.
I knew this article was PURE BULLSH.. Mentioning the criminals at WHO etc. I believe you Mr.Chekstein cause people are posting how they cured themselves, unlike this article which sounds more like pushing fear into the public.
—Fuck you whomever you are writing this BS making it longer than it has to be so that people gets easily confused. FUCK YOU
Sorry, I have a very hard time believing this! The cheapest drug until it was demonized as horse paste!! Used to be able to buy it less than 50 cents per tablet now you pay 120 for a pack of 12 tablets
Yet none of the more recent large studies, that were discredited by the establishment as ineffective reported any of this. That the establishment never seized on it (until now) to dissuade use of it speaks volumes.
Yeah, all the establishment could muster was "horse dewormer"? And then they played along with the Joe Rogan psyop. It's straight up deadly, clastogenic cockroach poison (kills animals too)
What costs roughly $49 million per gallon and is part of the horse racing industry? It's totally legal and quite possibly the world's most expensive liquid. SPERM FROM HORSES THAT TAKE IVERMECTIN!!!!!
Ivermectin and Horses
ivermectin is safe to use for breeding horses. The search results consistently indicate that ivermectin horse paste contains 1.87% ivermectin and is safe to use for all horses, including broodmares and mares at any stage of pregnancy, breeding stallions, and young foals. The products are specifically designed for equine use only and are effective in treating and controlling various types of worms and parasites.
In summary, ivermectin is safe to use while breeding horses, as long as it’s administered according to the product’s instructions and only for equine use.
Key Points:
Ivermectin horse paste is safe to use for breeding horses, including broodmares, mares, stallions, and foals.
The recommended Ivermectin dosage for Covid (MATH+ protocol) is 0.2-0.4 mg/kg. The fatalities & neurotoxicity in the studies you cited were when using orders of magnitude higher dosages. Even water will kill you if you drink too much of it.
Ivermectin is taken daily by a quarter of the people in Africa. Ivermectin has been used safely to treat Lyme disease for many years. There were dozens of studies that showed Ivermectin is effective for treating Covid.
I think you are either paid by Big Pharma to discredit Ivermectin or are trying to gain popularity by being a contrarian.
Remember, Dr bailey and the no viruses retards don't think viruses DONT exist. They just say viruses haven't been conclusively proven yet. They don't have a clue what is actually doing it all, but they just are wanting to be attention seeking dickeheads.
Speaking of d’heads. Show us one registered study proving any virus causes disease. Show us one study that proves any “vaxxine” is safe and effective. Dr. Baileys video are still up after all these years...right.
Very strange also that the Sherman’s, a billionaire couple from Canada who owned the largest stock of hydroxychloroquine (another key treatment for sars cov2) were brutally murdered two years before the scamdemic…it’s all connected. Do your homework on ivermectin with Dr. William Makis in Canada, and do the same on hydroxychloroquine.
Name one person you know personally that’s died from iver.
Think hard. You know no one that has died in your circle. I’ll bet money on it.
I took iver in 2020. I had 3 girlfriends and got 1 pregnant while both of us took iver. We have a beautiful healthier than most son. I have read more scientific and medical journals than most. Once you are well versed in this arena. You know over 50% of the peer reviewed science can NOT be replicated. Look at quotes from former editors of the highest esteemed journals. They will tell you after retirement that 2/3rds of the papers are based on faulty fundamental research. For every published paper in favor of a molecule or treatment. There are many papers diametrically opposed to different authors research findings. I think Dr. Yeadon is misinformed as well. Many many peer review published papers are retracted daily. The Ivey schools have a horrible track record of publishing regularly retracted nonsense. More of the papers are fraudulent than are real and replicable science. Give peer reviewed published papers time and energy just to watch them be torn apart by scientific sleuths and retracted in time. It’s funny watching the Stanford, Harvard professor types get totally busted and retracted as they protest, appeal and continue to lie by suing. retractionwatch.com Watch papers get yanked here on a daily basis
As i said in comments in the other agents agent125436950657847 IVM demonization post hit piece.
Why did most of Congress secretly take IVM in 2020??? While the world took the bioweapon??
Why were Doctors fired worldwide for prescribing IVM in 2020-21? While getting mega bonuses for pushing the Vx??
Why is IVM used by the most elite horse breeders that sell horse sperm for $49million per gallon?
It is the most expensive liquid and would not be exposed to IVM if this endangered sperm profits at $49 million per gallon....
who cares if IVM helps with an unisolated virus at this point here in 2024??
It needs to used to treat the turbo C caused by the VX. BUUUUUUUUT. This will greatly jeopardize the global oncology treatments profits. It definitely clears many types of Cancers..
That’s funny, I took Ivermectin for 6 months at the first of the pandemic, way over dosed since I could not find any information as to what a dose should be and nothing happened to me. Well, yes it did, I didn’t get covid.
I think this is one of the biggest misconceptions about any idea of the global elite, that they must be "evil" or "sick". And this misconception gets people stuck in concepts of good vs. evil, unable to understand what is actually going on. If you can try to imagine yourself in their shoes, it's not a great leap to concern yourself with managing the "flock" which doesn't require invoking any idea of "evil", at least not in the way most people imagine it. There is surely some deviancy, and perversion, yes. But many of the actions of the elite which are perceived as evil, like the quest for depopulation, are not fundamentally different than the decisions that a shepherd tending to his flock might make. The shepherd's objectives overlap the sheep's desires, but they are not in complete unison. The shepherd is always prepared to sacrifice some part of the flock to ensure his & the flock's survival. Really, what is happening, is that many "sheep" who were born within the flock and do not know anything but the flock, are becoming aware of this arrangement. If we define "evil" more broadly, as any being controlling another being for any motive whatsoever, then guess what? We are probably all "evil".
I have stage 4 prostate cancer, fought it for 3 years with hormone therapy, was in remission for three more years before it returned. I am back on hormone therapy, it’s been almost a year now and I have been taking Ivermectin every day with no adverse effects. I have not taken the Covid injections or boosters, not been sick and doing fine!! I think most problems start with the jab, just like masks, that shit doesn’t work, just saying.
If this is the case, one wonders about the health of all the millions of equines that are regularly wormed every 6 months with ivermectin? And what are the consequences of putting stable manure saturated with ivermectin on the land? ie my allotment.
I have collies, so this hits close to home(Never used Ivermectin), I still have to study it though, thank you again Tim, and for adding all the full report links, I am very grateful.
Well, I don’t know who to trust anymore, but I have some of my own observations. I have chronic Lyme disease. There is no treatment and I have been reading about Ivermectin and how it might help alleviate symptoms. I have used it on my farm for years with nearly miraculous results for parasites/mites/worms, etc with zero side effects. I decided to give it a shot. I used 25mg ivermectin and fenbendazole for 7 days then nothing for 5 and treatment again for 7 days. I haven’t felt this good in YEARS! I’m sleeping, I have energy, and my neurological symptoms are greatly reduced. I have tried every herb/tincture/tea/salve for over 4 years and aside from chlorine dioxide, nothing has compared to the relief I got from Ivermectin. Take this for what it’s worth.
Ivermectin and Fenbendazole are helping many people with cancer! Follow DR William Makis
I took 3 months of Antabuse (Disulfiram) and it stopped my Lyme symptoms. I suffered Lyme for 42 years. Undiagnosed for 36 years.
I took a ton of herbs for 6 years after the diagnosis. Disulfiram was discovered in 1885! Why is no one talking about any of this? It’s a deep rabbit hole to say the least. Here’s to your being healed to completion soon.
Thank you for sharing this and for telling the truth. I have heard from several people that ivermectin was the only thing that cured their Lyme Disease after years of suffering and trying every possible treatment, mainstream and holistic.
I would suspect that many reactions to the Ivermectin were caused by overdosing or by the incompatibility between Ivermectin and other drugs being taken. We used Ivermectin for Covid and it worked very well! We used AVL brand clear fluid which contains 10mg per Millilitre. Recommend dose was
1 millilitre for each 50kg. This was taken orally on an empty stomach at bed time for 5 days straight. Before taking it, you must check to see if is compatible with any other drugs you are taking and you must do the math correctly to avoid overdose. Overdosing can cause horrific side effects. AVL Ivermectin is a brand produced for veterinary use on horses, however, Ivermectin is Ivermectin! You cannot take Ivermectin with Statins.
I have heard that Ivermectin works for Lyme Disease , but I wonder where you found the dosage?? Would less not work?
I would suspect that the previous whole screed is propaganda of the most virulent kind. I have been taking the much maligned "horse paste" for years as a prophylactic for Covid-19 and other diseases and what a miracle, I can still see. Praise the Lord. This whole voluminoous article is major B.S. made up from some criminal mind without human conscience or pity. Feel free to ignore it all.
I heard you can not overdose on ivermectic. My guess is it written by a 12 year old or paid bs from the can cer mafia cause theres a lot of money in manufacturing
"They' most certainly don't want persons to get better of Cancer! oh no! or Lyme disease, or RA or countless other inflammatory diseases that likely all have parasites at the root.
Do you know what the interaction between IVM and statins is? I cannot find anything relating to this. I am reading that there are no interactions…
are you sure it is that easy, to overdose? or that it has horrific side effects? I am interested in studying it. So far, I have mostly heard it is very safe.
I knew this article was PURE BULLSH.. Mentioning the criminals at WHO etc. I believe you Mr.Chekstein cause people are posting how they cured themselves, unlike this article which sounds more like pushing fear into the public.
—Fuck you whomever you are writing this BS making it longer than it has to be so that people gets easily confused. FUCK YOU
Sorry, I have a very hard time believing this! The cheapest drug until it was demonized as horse paste!! Used to be able to buy it less than 50 cents per tablet now you pay 120 for a pack of 12 tablets
And, it still only costs 3 cents to produce! Seriously...
not to mention that it has been used for over 50 years w/o any indications of side effects - oh and it received a Nobel prize
Sadly the Nobel prize is not a recommendation, since the people promoting the modRNA genetic therapy jabs got a prize.
Yet none of the more recent large studies, that were discredited by the establishment as ineffective reported any of this. That the establishment never seized on it (until now) to dissuade use of it speaks volumes.
Yeah, all the establishment could muster was "horse dewormer"? And then they played along with the Joe Rogan psyop. It's straight up deadly, clastogenic cockroach poison (kills animals too)
What costs roughly $49 million per gallon and is part of the horse racing industry? It's totally legal and quite possibly the world's most expensive liquid. SPERM FROM HORSES THAT TAKE IVERMECTIN!!!!!
Ivermectin and Horses
ivermectin is safe to use for breeding horses. The search results consistently indicate that ivermectin horse paste contains 1.87% ivermectin and is safe to use for all horses, including broodmares and mares at any stage of pregnancy, breeding stallions, and young foals. The products are specifically designed for equine use only and are effective in treating and controlling various types of worms and parasites.
In summary, ivermectin is safe to use while breeding horses, as long as it’s administered according to the product’s instructions and only for equine use.
Key Points:
Ivermectin horse paste is safe to use for breeding horses, including broodmares, mares, stallions, and foals.
The recommended Ivermectin dosage for Covid (MATH+ protocol) is 0.2-0.4 mg/kg. The fatalities & neurotoxicity in the studies you cited were when using orders of magnitude higher dosages. Even water will kill you if you drink too much of it.
Ivermectin is taken daily by a quarter of the people in Africa. Ivermectin has been used safely to treat Lyme disease for many years. There were dozens of studies that showed Ivermectin is effective for treating Covid.
I think you are either paid by Big Pharma to discredit Ivermectin or are trying to gain popularity by being a contrarian.
your article is unsubstantiated really poorly written.
Probably paid off by Big Pharma to write it.
My thought exactly!
How much they pay to you
I have taken IVM for decades here in the 3rd world and the family is still kicking.
We love street meat, but sometimes we get some undercooked BBQ meat.
Chickens get IVM
Dogs start doing skid marks they get it.
Horses cattle pigs all get a regular dose when required.
We used it for dengue fever and found good results with faster recovery. Oh right dengue doesn't exist according to Dr Bailey.
Yes Tim I watched bailey don't use soap and the dengue fever videos.
Remember, Dr bailey and the no viruses retards don't think viruses DONT exist. They just say viruses haven't been conclusively proven yet. They don't have a clue what is actually doing it all, but they just are wanting to be attention seeking dickeheads.
Speaking of d’heads. Show us one registered study proving any virus causes disease. Show us one study that proves any “vaxxine” is safe and effective. Dr. Baileys video are still up after all these years...right.
Very strange also that the Sherman’s, a billionaire couple from Canada who owned the largest stock of hydroxychloroquine (another key treatment for sars cov2) were brutally murdered two years before the scamdemic…it’s all connected. Do your homework on ivermectin with Dr. William Makis in Canada, and do the same on hydroxychloroquine.
Follow the $$$…
Your link page was deleted ☹️
What a bunch of hogwash!
In my opinion don't trust any pharmaceutical! They are all poison!
Ivermectin is made from a natural bacteria. It’s not a pharmaceutical. It’s God’s natural products.
I stick with herbs, generally less risky.
Name one person you know personally that’s died from iver.
Think hard. You know no one that has died in your circle. I’ll bet money on it.
I took iver in 2020. I had 3 girlfriends and got 1 pregnant while both of us took iver. We have a beautiful healthier than most son. I have read more scientific and medical journals than most. Once you are well versed in this arena. You know over 50% of the peer reviewed science can NOT be replicated. Look at quotes from former editors of the highest esteemed journals. They will tell you after retirement that 2/3rds of the papers are based on faulty fundamental research. For every published paper in favor of a molecule or treatment. There are many papers diametrically opposed to different authors research findings. I think Dr. Yeadon is misinformed as well. Many many peer review published papers are retracted daily. The Ivey schools have a horrible track record of publishing regularly retracted nonsense. More of the papers are fraudulent than are real and replicable science. Give peer reviewed published papers time and energy just to watch them be torn apart by scientific sleuths and retracted in time. It’s funny watching the Stanford, Harvard professor types get totally busted and retracted as they protest, appeal and continue to lie by suing. retractionwatch.com Watch papers get yanked here on a daily basis
As i said in comments in the other agents agent125436950657847 IVM demonization post hit piece.
Why did most of Congress secretly take IVM in 2020??? While the world took the bioweapon??
Why were Doctors fired worldwide for prescribing IVM in 2020-21? While getting mega bonuses for pushing the Vx??
Why is IVM used by the most elite horse breeders that sell horse sperm for $49million per gallon?
It is the most expensive liquid and would not be exposed to IVM if this endangered sperm profits at $49 million per gallon....
who cares if IVM helps with an unisolated virus at this point here in 2024??
It needs to used to treat the turbo C caused by the VX. BUUUUUUUUT. This will greatly jeopardize the global oncology treatments profits. It definitely clears many types of Cancers..
This is Chess being played here. Not checkers
Impressive amount of work you did here. Gratitude.
Great job!
That’s funny, I took Ivermectin for 6 months at the first of the pandemic, way over dosed since I could not find any information as to what a dose should be and nothing happened to me. Well, yes it did, I didn’t get covid.
Truth... Thanks for telling it like it is.
What was the point of capturing bats & forcing this shit on them?
Why did Jeffrey Dahmer dismember animals (later leading to humans)?
Because they're sick psychopaths would be my guess.
Psychopathic leaders world-wide forced the ModRNA jab on people, including babies.
I think this is one of the biggest misconceptions about any idea of the global elite, that they must be "evil" or "sick". And this misconception gets people stuck in concepts of good vs. evil, unable to understand what is actually going on. If you can try to imagine yourself in their shoes, it's not a great leap to concern yourself with managing the "flock" which doesn't require invoking any idea of "evil", at least not in the way most people imagine it. There is surely some deviancy, and perversion, yes. But many of the actions of the elite which are perceived as evil, like the quest for depopulation, are not fundamentally different than the decisions that a shepherd tending to his flock might make. The shepherd's objectives overlap the sheep's desires, but they are not in complete unison. The shepherd is always prepared to sacrifice some part of the flock to ensure his & the flock's survival. Really, what is happening, is that many "sheep" who were born within the flock and do not know anything but the flock, are becoming aware of this arrangement. If we define "evil" more broadly, as any being controlling another being for any motive whatsoever, then guess what? We are probably all "evil".
I have stage 4 prostate cancer, fought it for 3 years with hormone therapy, was in remission for three more years before it returned. I am back on hormone therapy, it’s been almost a year now and I have been taking Ivermectin every day with no adverse effects. I have not taken the Covid injections or boosters, not been sick and doing fine!! I think most problems start with the jab, just like masks, that shit doesn’t work, just saying.
What dose iver have you been taking?
10mg once a day
Wow. We're on 1mg per kg of body weight protocol. Easing in and up to like 84mg once per day.
If this is the case, one wonders about the health of all the millions of equines that are regularly wormed every 6 months with ivermectin? And what are the consequences of putting stable manure saturated with ivermectin on the land? ie my allotment.
Has there been any research on this. . ?
I have collies, so this hits close to home(Never used Ivermectin), I still have to study it though, thank you again Tim, and for adding all the full report links, I am very grateful.