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Sadly the Nobel prize is not a recommendation, since the people promoting the modRNA genetic therapy jabs got a prize.

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Yet none of the more recent large studies, that were discredited by the establishment as ineffective reported any of this. That the establishment never seized on it (until now) to dissuade use of it speaks volumes.

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Yeah, all the establishment could muster was "horse dewormer"? And then they played along with the Joe Rogan psyop. It's straight up deadly, clastogenic cockroach poison (kills animals too)

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Very strange also that the Sherman’s, a billionaire couple from Canada who owned the largest stock of hydroxychloroquine (another key treatment for sars cov2) were brutally murdered two years before the scamdemic…it’s all connected. Do your homework on ivermectin with Dr. William Makis in Canada, and do the same on hydroxychloroquine.

Follow the $$$…


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Your link page was deleted ☹️

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In my opinion don't trust any pharmaceutical! They are all poison!

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I stick with herbs, generally less risky.

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Impressive amount of work you did here. Gratitude.

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Great job!

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What was the point of capturing bats & forcing this shit on them?

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Why did Jeffrey Dahmer dismember animals (later leading to humans)?

Because they're sick psychopaths would be my guess.

Psychopathic leaders world-wide forced the ModRNA jab on people, including babies.

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I think this is one of the biggest misconceptions about any idea of the global elite, that they must be "evil" or "sick". And this misconception gets people stuck in concepts of good vs. evil, unable to understand what is actually going on. If you can try to imagine yourself in their shoes, it's not a great leap to concern yourself with managing the "flock" which doesn't require invoking any idea of "evil", at least not in the way most people imagine it. There is surely some deviancy, and perversion, yes. But many of the actions of the elite which are perceived as evil, like the quest for depopulation, are not fundamentally different than the decisions that a shepherd tending to his flock might make. The shepherd's objectives overlap the sheep's desires, but they are not in complete unison. The shepherd is always prepared to sacrifice some part of the flock to ensure his & the flock's survival. Really, what is happening, is that many "sheep" who were born within the flock and do not know anything but the flock, are becoming aware of this arrangement. If we define "evil" more broadly, as any being controlling another being for any motive whatsoever, then guess what? We are probably all "evil".

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I have collies, so this hits close to home(Never used Ivermectin), I still have to study it though, thank you again Tim, and for adding all the full report links, I am very grateful.

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Important information to be aware and cautious going forward 🤔

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“everybody’s got an opinion” look at the Historical record, then think for yourself.

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It also ruins pasture ecosystems (kills dung beetles) and promotes mire horn flies. Poison.

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Important information to be aware and cautious going forward 🤔

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If you understand the Hegelian Dialectic, you know there are endless ways for TPTB to reach us all.

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“characterized by mystical-religious, erotomaniac, harm and reference delusions, auditory and visual hallucinations adding isolation, abulia, apathy, dialogued soliloquies, and spontaneous crying.” — Bartender, make it a double MERKMectin on the rocks and leave the tab open.

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The thumbnail says it all.

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May 11
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They were trying to get everyone to take the ‘vaccines’ at that point. Now, serendipitously, they have a neurotoxic pesticide that can be promoted to those people who want to stick it to the man.

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All seriously overdosed.

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What can one believe ?? Nothing is what it seems. I’m totally disillusioned with everything!

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I think there is a freedom in realizing that one has been totally wrong in the past, and that one might be wrong again. And with experience hopefully one gets more discerning.

On the whole, it’s probably good for people to believe in different health regimes as it is a safeguard against disaster.

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May 12Edited
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I wouldn’t take it myself. It’s true that two people I respect consider the major harms to be dose dependent. However given the potential for serious side effects (a) with time if it builds up in the system, (b) with dosage if this is wrongly estimated,(c) with unknown genetic mutations, and (d) with unfortunate interactions with other substances, it certainly doesn’t seem like it should be self-prescribed.

With a broader perspective, it’s also bad for the water and soil. See 5.1 in this document:


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Really now, bad for the soil when IVM actually comes from the soil.

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It’s manufactured in a pharmaceutical laboratory. Read section 5.1 in the article above about how it kills useful organisms like earthworms in the soil and water.

The article below goes into how it was made and manufactured:


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