Very interesting, the list of PGP inhibitors is astonishing.

Thanks for the research.

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Thank you for the info!


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Good job Tim.

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The attack started around 1961. I have collected 13 main sources:


Detoxing is insufficient, because 5G alone suffices:


For that matter, I have never been injected, "tested," or even worn a muzzle, but even I am already halfway synthetic:


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At this point, I’m living on filtered H20 & trace minerals. Jk.

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I'm curious about Tim Truth's diet and supplement regime, testing, healthcare practices...with all this information. I'm kinda confused.

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I used to be a huge vitamin person. Literally my entire life up until a year ago. I ate chewable Vit c like candy. I had some bad experiences with them but didn’t put all the pieces together until I realized how much better I felt getting rid of them in my body. Tim has allot of truth to what he says. Everyone is different, but I tend to agree with him now about it all. To each their own.

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Have you peeked down the Nanotech in Our Body rabbit hole? The researchers looking at blood say the synthetic and biotech are inside EVERYONE.

More detox, removal protocols. AND WAY MORE QUESTIONS THERE!

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Thank you for this informative article. You've mentioned what can harm these detox protectors, but it would be more helpful to know what diet/supplement enhances their actions. Is there anything available to do so!

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I just typed a similar comment! Because this suggests what foods & supps to avoid. And I'm wondering what we should eat. And what supps are beneficial. What does TIM do?

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First of all, thanks very much for this information. You might well have saved my life!

I think I can confirm your hypothesis with my own experiences. Here's my story:

I got out of the hospital two and a half years ago after having spent 12 days being "treated" for COVID. During my stay in the hospital, they pumped me full of all sorts of drugs. However, and fortunately, I REFUSED the Remdesivir that they were very insistent on giving me. Anyway, a short time after I got out of the hospital, a lesion broke out on my upper arm - which I concluded was my body's way of expelling the toxins that had been put into me during my stay at the hospital. I had the lesion biopsied and the dermatologist said that it was basal cell carcinoma. They of course wanted to remove it surgically, but I wanted to try to treat/cure it by myself. I had a friend who had just cured his own leukemia with a couple of years of monthly liver cleanses (as promulgated by the natural healer Andreas Moritz), so I wanted to see if these liver cleanses would help with my skin cancer.

Gradually, after nearly two years of these monthly liver cleanses, my rather large (the size of a quarter), open lesion got better - to the point of almost completely healing and closing up. But it had not healed completely and I was getting impatient, so I decided to try to accelerate the healing with things that I had read about on the internet: ivermectin, fenbendazole, quercetin, ginger, curcumin, berberine, milk thistle, green tea, natto, etc. - just about everything that, according to you, should make things worse. And guess what happened? It got worse - much worse - to the point of reversing ALL of my progress of the previous couple of years - and then some!

Then I read your article a few days ago, and stopped taking all of these things. And in those few days, I already see improvement in the lesion - and I feel much better - almost like being born again.

Taking what I have learned from you, I now ask Chat GPT, for everything I eat and all supplements I take, "Is xxxx a Pgp inhibitor?" Doing this, I discovered that the moringa that I take is the OPPOSITE of a Pgp inhibitor. It's actually a Pgp ENHANCER! (Well, I just checked again - and yesterday it said that moringa was a Pgp enhancer, but today it says it's a Pgp inhibitor! So I don't know what to think about moringa now. Do you have any information about moringa's interactions wtih Pgp?)

So, again, my experience coincides with what you said. However, I just watched this video about ivermectin possibly being a cure for cancer:


What do you make of this? Did my lesion perhaps worsen because I was taking ivermectin together with all those other Pgp inhibitors? Is it conceivable that ivermectin DOES cure cancer?

In any case, my basal cell carcinoma lesion appears to be on the mend again, for which I thank you. All the best, and keep up the good work.

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One of your best so far Tim! 👌🏼 everything that we know in our circles...everything that is given is done with malicious intent. What I'm curious about if our bodies productions of PGP and CYP3A4 get back to normal levels after going 6 months to 1 year without any of the mentioned inhibitors being in the body?

I've also looked into the same questions with fertility getting back to normal after extended breaks from quercetin/ivermectin/Vitamin A etc. I still haven't found any studies regarding if the body bounces back either.

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Looking at your list reminds me of a detox list at OrwellCity by the La Quinta Columna lab-- it includes many of these detox inhibitors. I suspect most of the proponents are just uninformed. BUT when you show them different information, most resist. Very gently suggest that people just RESEARCH Ivermectin side effects before they take it, and you feel like you've called their baby ugly. It's like holy water.

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Hmmm, this reminds me of certain experiments/studies of malone, using ivm in combination with other substances/drugs to break down protective barriers in the placenta, brain, etc. I'll try to find it, but it's been awhile since I read about it, and then i commented on it on sage's stack. Maybe you could find that info about malone doing that? Sounds similar to what you're saying. Thank you so much for your research!

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Very interesting!

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Very interesting observations. Do you have any thoughts on the Brian Ardis nicotine hypothesis?

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I think he is a plant pretending to be good but is evil!

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Inducers increase the expression level of CYP450 enzymes resulting in increased metabolism of drugs and subsequently reducing the therapeutic concentration.

Therefore, potential changes in drug concentration may cause treatment failure. The effects usually develop over several days and may be slow to resolve depending on the half-life of the inducer.

Examples of CYP450 inducers include:

Anticonvulsants: phenytoin, carbamazepine, phenobarbitone

Steroids: dexamethasone, prednisolone, glucocorticoids

Antibiotics: rifampicin, griseofulvin

Others: nicotine, alcohol, cigarette smoke, St John’s Wort

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You might be right. Difficult to tell. Normally you can tell by who they associate with (interviews, collaboration). Nicotine is a CYP450 inducer.

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Those who have the CYP3A4*22 allele will have a lowered ability to produce this essential enzyme. The net effect is that substrates and inhibitors will increase the "area under the curve (AUC)" - the amount of the substance and/or metabolites in our bodies and will increase side effects.

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Thnks a lot for your work!

I've been suspicious about the push on using chlorine dioxide the past four years. When i found your information i thought there might be a link between chlorine dioxide and pgp, but I can't find any. Do you have any clue on what is its pathway? Thanks a lot!

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I believe that is a safe thing to take but who even knows anymore because all the so called “truthers” have been pushing all of these toxins that all of us have been taking and thinking they help us… I believe they were fed that info and didn’t research into them so that’s why they all push them as cures plus there are several “plants” that are on the TRUTHER side and are really evil controlled psyops!

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Some of the mRNA proponents gradually became "Health Freedom Truthers," or infiltrated the resistance. They promoted vax mandates for just seniors and people with comorbidities. That makes sense: experiment on people most likely to die from a potentially toxic experiment.

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Only surprise to me was grapefruit ... but it's used to inhibit parasitic actions in the body so that now makes sense!

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Ginger and pepper surprised me bc they are foods used for thousands of years.

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HAS TIM discussed the nanotech inhibitor/removal protocols eg EDTA, C, Nicotine et al?

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First, I appreciate your work! AND this one's a head-scratcher, for sure. We all know more than a few very healthy people who have consumed caffeine, ginger, pepper and grapefruit and, gulp, survived. I can understand well-known but less-widely used medicinal herbs could interact with detox and other metabolic pathways -- but I'm scratching my head about these extremely POPULAR foods in the REGULAR diets of many long-living persons and CULTURES (Chinese, Indian).

I guess I could eliminate them before my next Gen0v@ NutraEval amino acid test -- it looks at detox, mitochondrial function, inflammation, heavy metals et al. See if I get better results than the previous test.

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