One way or another "They" are trying to kill us all off through stealth vectors. Everything is inverted. The deceptions are multi-layered and entrenched. Truth is repressed. Lies are exalted. Yet still the masses obediently believe the traitorous mainstream orchestrated Orwellian narratives. Just 'another day at the office' and 'no cause for alarm' within the Narcoleptic New Normal of 2024.
These constant mind-warping evil reality distortions and deceptions are hard to endure YEAR AFTER YEAR - another engineered strategy to wear us down and finish us off, no doubt. STAYING SANE, vibrant and joyful amidst the miserable onslaught is our greatest challenge - an epic survivalist endurance course all of its own.
What's really making us sick is a Poisonous Political Psychological Operation Against Humanity - piped through controlled mainstream media, owned by globalist psychopaths.
A traitorous System that constantly LIES TO US. A grand deception.
"They" want to kill us all off without overtly telling us that they're killing us all off.
We are the carbon units that they want to exterminate - in order to 'save the planet' (for themselves).
It takes myriad stealth mechanisms to stealthily cull a global herd of BILLIONS.
How to cure it? Only mass awakening, disobedience and dissent can save us (from ourselves and our psychopathic predators). MASS RESISTANCE.
I am distraught. Are you telling us that the doctors who wrote about having great success treating covid patients with ivermectin lied even though they lost their license to practice? They were part of the scam, actors pretending to be rebels for the people? Dr Makis is promoting dewormers as cure for cancers and many more speaking out how they were cured of stage 4 cancer using these products in addition to research papers showing success in tumor reduction?
If this is indeed the case then one almost has to admire how well the other side has figured out human nature and weaponised that knowledge in various ‘one two punch’ approaches.
If ‘Covid’ didn't scare you enough to take a jab, they get you via the ‘antidote’ they managed to demonise (and even ban in many countries) and thus make very appealing in the counter-culture/freedom circles.
They understand us so so well (better than we understand ourselves in some cases) and yet we remain well behind our understanding of how they think and most importantly, how they actually operate.
Isn't that why there are self-assembling nanoparticles building a platform even now building another structure in the blood of the COVID vaccinated, even as the toxic substances are slowly killing them with the same shots? They really want to remove the human in humanity...
Your are 100% correct and this is the real control mechanism and no one with a following is talking about it. Everyone should put some time into looking up the Biodigital convergence, WBANs, MBANs, and the internet of everything. Everyone and everything is being built into their surveillance and control system and we are all just a node in their network. We are the internet and hooked up to the cloud. Down to the cellular level. Welcome to hell
I’m a decent biologist but an embarrassing failure at basic physics in the 1970s.
It sounds unlikely to me that self assembling nanobots could interact predictably with complex biological systems which we hardly understand. While the fundamental technology may well exist, as I said, I’m not competent to evaluate it. I am competent to evaluate the interactions of something with a complex biological milieu. When we have at best a primitive understanding of interacting systems, I don’t know where a designer would begin to build something intended to interact with it in a coherent manner.
I watch for insights from others in these areas. We’ve sufficient concerns already, whether or not the nanobots piece is reduced to practise.
This post exhibits all I know on the topic. No one should rely upon it in any way.
It has been suggested that self assembling nanobots may have the potential to transmit an individual signature for each human host they are embedded in that may be read by (5G) networks. The purpose being to track each one of us with concomitant ambitions to eventually control each and everyone (presumably excepting our masters.) Cyborgs anyone? Cyborgs everyone?
I think the moral of the story is that the evil powers that be control all sides. ALL. When Lucifer was cast down earth became his playground and oh how we’ve all been played. Anything that you buy in a store that you put on your skin or in your mouth is tainted by evil.
One other possibility is that these studies have no more credibility than all those other studies that touted the efficacy of the Vaxxx, supported anticholesterol policies etcetcetc.
Ivermectin is widely used in Africa, for example, and Africa seems to be the poster boy for population increase. It could be that, rather than demonizing ivermectin, the takeaway should be that certain supplements have a negative interaction with ivermectin regarding fertility, so avoid them when taking ivermectin, and don't take ivermectin 365 days a year, etc.
I agree. On the FLCCC website they even say in the protocol that Ivermectin is used that you are NOT to use it at the same time as certain other supplements. They even provide a schedule for anyone interested in taking it because THERE ARE certain interactions you want to avoid.
I think they use Africa as the place they test on and lie about their population numbers. It’s always some distant country. They tell you whatever you want to hear and just push their pharma drugs. It’s really unbelievable and they are doing it to the world. This is the definition of madness.
I want to point something out. I’m not making any comments about whether ivermectin works as claimed to eliminate insect parasites. It may well do that. Short course could destroy susceptible organisms.
There’s no conflict between that concept and this information about mammalian reproductive toxicity.
It wouldn’t be at all surprising for such a molecule to have multiple properties. It’s more common that not.
Those in the West using ivermectin are not infested with parasites. They cannot gain this theoretical benefit. So don’t risk it.
Obviously it doesn’t cure divoc-91. That is an imaginary “viral” illness.
Review some of the old papers on ivermectin and mammalian fertility for yourself.
Then ask how this anti-parasitic ended up in your consciousness.
Well as a 60 year old who has had a hysterectomy, ivermectin is just fine with me. Just like all pharmaceuticals there are side affects that you need to weigh. It is given in weekly doses in malaria ridden countries and they do t seem to have fertility problems from what I can tell. India, Africa, South America, Asia…. Just saying…
In my mums case Ivermectin saved her life. She had triple dose at 80 years old. For 16 months she had suffered with scabies which got to a bad case of crusted scabies. Her arms had turned into reptile skin with a bad rash all over her body. Little sleep due to constant itching, and was loosing her mind. She had tried many protocols prior, creams and natural therapies. In two weeks she was back to normal. Fortunately no major side affects except swollen ankles.
Oh well is it an alternative birth control?
They want to sterilize everyone!
But wait how we got to be 8B habitants? Sometging tells me those numbers are another lie.
Depopulation agenda =psyops.
Overpopulation count= more psyops
COVID virus does noy exist= psyops
COVID exist= psyops
Virus do not exist it is all in your head= psyops
HERPES= WTF is it? Virus/noVirus camp .....
Student Loans that do not go away because the head of financial psychopats in a domed place called "earth" got you by the balls . THIS IS NOT A PSYOPS.
Are you crazy? I dont wanna pay for your student loans but I will gladly pay taxes to finance the war machine around earth.
Psyops or not?
Dems VS Reps.... 100% PSYOPS
Lets face it folks.....we got screwed and we keep getting screwed with barbed wire baseball bats.
It is not a world of good vs evil (that is a psyops btw) it is a world of Evil Vs MORE Evil.
Way back……we used Ivermectin as a horse dewormer. BUT…..first we did a fecal worm count on the horses. IF they had a significant infestation we determined what kind of worm and treated with the appropriate product. Wormers disrupt the microbiome and should ONLY be used when necessary. Ivermectin is a POISON. All wormers are poison. All pharmaceutical drugs are poison. Am I surprised by Dr. Yeadon’s statements? Absolutely not.
Tim, I have always valued your work so fron the time you wrote about Ivermectin a year ago, I have stopped talking about it. Everywhere we look there are traps. Thank you for exposing this one.
There is a globalist plan and there is another plan. But all plans aim to agenda 2030 and WEF digitalization and survelliance. We all have figured out that globalism does not work. The plan of financially keeping people on a debit economy that can be supported with perpetual wars is what is gping on since WWI. Do not let any side tell you they are working for your wealth or health.
So now, Ivermectin is a poison? And if we've taken it, we should get off all supplements so the body can excrete it? Forgive the over-simplification, but what advice might you have for those who have taken it?
If you are diabetic you can reverse insulin resistance with the "lifestyle medicine" of a high fat, low carbohydrate diet, anywhere along the spectrum from keto to carnivore. Of course, no one should go off pharma drugs cold turkey, as the body can be too jolted by the sudden change, but tapering off should be the goal.
Truly...awkened to the Rx/food industry racket 10 yrs ago and got off pharmaceuticals with the help of equivalent herbs and suppliments...doing the best I could to buy quality and do my due diligence in research... Was able to reverse almost all afflictions and they were many. Now I have a lot of misgivings on the suppliments I take that seem to switch to taking more herbs and making my own seems a way to get what my diet lacks instead of capsules from a store... and to cleanse and detox the poisons we are subjected to on a daily basis til this insane stage show of a world plays out per se... I tell ya these them Theys are evil geniuses in what they do... It's unworldly, lol. Keep plugging away and do the best yas can do eh.... ✌
It is known that Ivermectin remains in the body for some time after dosage, and thus, outside of a medical emergency, Ivermectin is not advised to be administered daily, as far as I know. For example, according to the WHO ( ), "WHO recommends treating onchocerciasis [river blindness] with Ivermectin at least once yearly for 10 to 15 years." It is known that 1) Bill Gates has been poisoning and rendering infertile Africans in his various vaccination campaigns, and 2) the WHO is largely funded by Bill Gates both directly and through a number of cutout NGOs he funds, giving him a huge say in shaping WHO policy and programs, yet if ivermectin is actually the"safe-and-effective" anti-fertility drug that this statement by Dr. Yeadon seems to imply, why would Ivermectin treatment in Africa be recommended for only once a year?
Don't get me wrong--I applaud Dr. Yeadon for coming forward and blowing the whistle on his previous employer etc. regarding the mRNA gene therapy touted as a "vaccine" to prevent & stop transmission of the bogusly inflated danger of the CoViD-19 disease, among his various revelations. However, I would hardly characterise him as a master of subtle nuance, and so some of his statements really do beg the reader to delve into the papers he kindly cites for the missing nuance. This still leaves them problem that scientific papers are usually written under the expectation that the reader will have sufficient background education to know how to "fill in the blanks" when interpreting the results & meaning of the papers, sometimes an almost insurmountable obstacle for the average reader.
We’re under attack by globalists who are wreaking total war upon us.
Decisions are to be made in that context imo.
On balance, I think the evidence is strongly that under certain circumstances ivermectin can damage fertility.
I think it’s an unremarkable idea.
If you don’t think there’s a globalist plan to enslave & kill most of us, you will regard some of my remarks as extreme.
Injecting 6 billion people with intentionally harmful material under the lie that there is a global pandemic ought to be sufficient evidence for you. No?
I have zero disagreement with Dr. Yeadon's statement about the draconian plans of the globalist oligarchs to destroy and enslave humanity. I am not convinced that Ivermectin is part of that plan. When I have the time, I will read the papers. No one should taken anyone's word for anything without examining the facts, particularly these days, when we have seen so many experts (i.e., persons who should be considered unbiased experts if the were properly fulfilling their mandated roles) who have been captured or coerced into misleading or outright lying to the public. Note that I do not in any way intend to imply that Dr. Yeadon is such a debased person.
Dr Yeadon, how long do you feel this infertility effect can last after a person has taken IVM along with the inhibitors for 5 days, 2 separate times? Thank you~
Your points are well made. Could it be the research papers on the harms of Ivermectin could be a forgery to discredit the use of Ivermectin? One simply has to question everything we are told and even read at this juncture.
Maybe the same way pediatricians don’t know anything about vaccines except for they were told in medical school? Same way virologists do t know viruses have never been isolated and purified? Dogma. Scientism. 🤷🏻♀️
Most modern supplements were not on sale when I was training.
I don’t frequent those brightly lit stores.
When I once did recently I thought “What the dickens are all these chemicals?”
My first thought was “These are most likely benign placebos designed to steal money from the wealthy worried well”.
I had neither time nor motive to start looking them up. Several though i immediately warned people off, like quercetin. When I was at university it was a recognised renal toxin, iirc. Dyor.
Mr True were you the one providing research to Yeadon that he referenced on Delingpod?
Some of your research articles you gave Dr. Yeadon may have focused on Ivermectin that may have had fertility inhibitors added and not be the Ivermectin used during covid or created by the Japanese Dr. who discovered Ivermectin. We need clarification soon Dr. Yeadon appears to think Ivermectin used for Covid has grave side effects and as Dr. Chetty of an African country who seems highly ethical did not note these side effects this needs to be clarified immediately to avoid people panicking and to protect Dr. Yeadon’s reputation. Please respond.
I do not doubt what you have been saying nor the data you provided however, the question that nags at me is what about the fertility in the poorer African countries where Ivermectin has been liberally and famously distributed? They certainly do not appear to have any problem with having children so quite the opposite of infertile. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance for your input.
The back lash on your remarks on Deligpole article on Lioness of Judah was so strong and quick to call you out because many folks thought they had a positive result from the drug Ivermectin caused me to question where the info you had presented had come from which led me to this substack. I am in no position to question the research since I have no access to it but questioned that the Ivermectin compound might have had other components added to it
to cause an effect on fertility in various applications. The response here was my way of trying to clarify your position and you have done that. I trust you and believe your remarks represent the facts as you see them- thank you. P.s. I have not personally taken Ivermectin but there was push back from those who had in the comments o L of J who were truly unwilling to believe the info. My response was I would wait and see because I trusted you.I still do - people have a hard time with info that may call their judgement into question especially if they believe Ivermectin “saved” them from what they believe was Covid.
Astonishing but true. I believed EVERYTHING right up to early 2020 and it took me a long time to realise that “Everything an authority figure told you is a lie”.
I was a very compliant rebel all my life and never fell over a reason to question the bigger picture.
Frankly, it is a badge of Honor when any professional, particularly of the status of Dr Mike, admits that he did not or does not know something. It is impossible for any of us to know everything. But it seems almost impossible for most of us to admit it and it is only with truthfulness that we can move forward. I trust Dr Mike and I am sticking with him as I know that you are. We will see what Revelations come next before we can come out with a true judgment concerning the use of ivermectin.
I went to school to be a pharmacy tech 2, the number of new drugs pharmaceutical companies pump out yearly is insane. You have to constantly stay updated on these new drugs. It’s not only the drugs that make the commercials, that’s just a small handful. Drugs in the nuclear pharmacy/cancer pharmacy field come out in staggering numbers. I had to memorise the route each drug takes through the body , some are absorbed differently travel through the body in different ways I won’t get into. I also had to know the classifications which are decided by the drugs potential for abuse and the drugs potential for serious side effects. You have to remember red flags, drugs that don’t mix without doing damage, and the drug names actual/generic. Vitamins are also studied. Just for a tech it’s a lot to remember, it’s pretty easy to fall behind if you don’t constantly pay attention. Also this is sounds a lot like thesis and anti thesis with both sides causing serious harm to patients.
Thanks. My formal training ended in 1985. The rest was “on the job” and never once touched on drugs beyond my field and allied diseases, such as immunology, inflammation etc
I’m firmly in the no virus zone, I applaud & respect Mike immensely for speaking out. I asked the question humbly because I simply didn’t know. I can only imagine how insane & crazy it could be in the pharmacy world after I spent years researching different treatments for my husband’s prostate cancer, which he went the TOOKAD focal ablation route at MSK.
Very sorry to hear your husband is going through this, after pharmacy school I actually completely lost interest in pharmacy and started preaching natural medicine. After pharmacy we got into the business side of pharmacy, it left me in complete shock. Pharmacy is a cesspool of half truths, Greed, and side effects. I believe in antibiotics, antivirals, and that’s about it. God made the world perfect, disease is man made, we are introducing imperfections into a perfect system and reaping all negative rewards of it. I believe God gave us the cure for anything we come across in nature, we just been trained to believe otherwise. Most of the cancer medications we learned about on the nuclear end actually caused cancer, you had to be suited up with a revers flow hood just to reconstitute most of them. Also ya Michael is a total blessing, there are not a lot of people out there as brave as he is. I think everything went south when the Rockefellers forced petroleum based medications into the world. Thing would be a lot different if that never happened. God bless, I hope your husband makes a full recovery.
Actually, in my former life as a scientific indexer of toxicology years ago.. I did note that Ivermectin was promoted but because I am way past child bearing and also I don't take stuff that like you said I have never heard of it.. (and I am a biochemist too by education) but as you well know the Biochemistry and Pharmacology is a a huge field now where lots of charlatans along w/ the holistic shamans.. hang around I never bought it or tried it.. along w/ the other "so called" prophylactic/whatever/cocktail of drugs by the snake oil salesmen.. whatever. As a former virologist *years ago, I did get Covid three times and remain unvaccinated; it was a rough one but I did get through it. I could actually feel the Neurological changes in my brain like an extreme headaches... which I never get.. and I took a 500 mgs of aspirin and 65 mg of (Back and Body Aspirin) caffeine, zinc, and Vitamin C and Z-Pac for a week round the clock. The Sars 2 Covid virus belongs to the "flu/cold virus family and all those "so called supplements".. other than the usual ones like Vit C and Zinc.. and I didn't bother to look up the actual chemicals (I am 74) compound of Ivermectin because I was passed it,, and I never took it.. The problem is that for those who were trying to have children or fertility analysis of either the male and female is because it is not possible based on Ivermecton use alone: people use a what I call a cocktail of drugs.. and also drink, use other types of drugs, legal and illegal, etc. I quit drinking yeas ago and do not use drugs nor did I ever (blessed be the Lord)! There are so many reasons why fertility is damaged in men and women which are totally not related to single drug. I don't want to get into the neoadjuvant issues or adjuvant issues w/ regard to cancer but that cannot be discounted, I am opposed to Chemo and neo-adjuvants.. yep.. my field was in oncology so you know I think very differently just based on that statement: but your explanation sounds as reasonable as any one else's given the birth rate has dropped precipitously but frankly who knows why? Thanks for your post. I will glance at the other comments as well.. Nope didn't buy or use it neither did anyone in my family who also did not get the vaccine. We come from a long line of scientists on both side of the family. My grandfather (yes) was a PhD in Chemistry in Germany pre-WW2.. so.. we all learned to think for ourselves ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. Sounds like a good explanation to me. !
One way or another "They" are trying to kill us all off through stealth vectors. Everything is inverted. The deceptions are multi-layered and entrenched. Truth is repressed. Lies are exalted. Yet still the masses obediently believe the traitorous mainstream orchestrated Orwellian narratives. Just 'another day at the office' and 'no cause for alarm' within the Narcoleptic New Normal of 2024.
These constant mind-warping evil reality distortions and deceptions are hard to endure YEAR AFTER YEAR - another engineered strategy to wear us down and finish us off, no doubt. STAYING SANE, vibrant and joyful amidst the miserable onslaught is our greatest challenge - an epic survivalist endurance course all of its own.
What's really making us sick is a Poisonous Political Psychological Operation Against Humanity - piped through controlled mainstream media, owned by globalist psychopaths.
A traitorous System that constantly LIES TO US. A grand deception.
"They" want to kill us all off without overtly telling us that they're killing us all off.
We are the carbon units that they want to exterminate - in order to 'save the planet' (for themselves).
It takes myriad stealth mechanisms to stealthily cull a global herd of BILLIONS.
How to cure it? Only mass awakening, disobedience and dissent can save us (from ourselves and our psychopathic predators). MASS RESISTANCE.
"They" don't own us! Not now. Not ever.
Adding to your list, my article: How Ivermectin is made and the crazy history of Merck discovering Ivermectin:
Thank you, for sharing this information.
A cracking piece, btw.
I am distraught. Are you telling us that the doctors who wrote about having great success treating covid patients with ivermectin lied even though they lost their license to practice? They were part of the scam, actors pretending to be rebels for the people? Dr Makis is promoting dewormers as cure for cancers and many more speaking out how they were cured of stage 4 cancer using these products in addition to research papers showing success in tumor reduction?
Great article.
If this is indeed the case then one almost has to admire how well the other side has figured out human nature and weaponised that knowledge in various ‘one two punch’ approaches.
If ‘Covid’ didn't scare you enough to take a jab, they get you via the ‘antidote’ they managed to demonise (and even ban in many countries) and thus make very appealing in the counter-culture/freedom circles.
They understand us so so well (better than we understand ourselves in some cases) and yet we remain well behind our understanding of how they think and most importantly, how they actually operate.
Time to change that!
They understand us so well because they’re been herding us for so long.
We’re profane and worthless to them. Like surplus farm animals. I bet they even have a plan to deploy our corpses.
Isn't that why there are self-assembling nanoparticles building a platform even now building another structure in the blood of the COVID vaccinated, even as the toxic substances are slowly killing them with the same shots? They really want to remove the human in humanity...
Your are 100% correct and this is the real control mechanism and no one with a following is talking about it. Everyone should put some time into looking up the Biodigital convergence, WBANs, MBANs, and the internet of everything. Everyone and everything is being built into their surveillance and control system and we are all just a node in their network. We are the internet and hooked up to the cloud. Down to the cellular level. Welcome to hell
I think Deborah is raising a very important point indeed Dr. Yeadon.
I have never heard you address the bioengineering (a.k.a. nanotech) issue. Maybe you have and I am not aware.
What are your thoughts on this topic?
Sasha, who I understand you work fairly closely with on some aspects, has made her position crystal clear. What are your thoughts?
It’s completely outside my knowledge base.
I’m a decent biologist but an embarrassing failure at basic physics in the 1970s.
It sounds unlikely to me that self assembling nanobots could interact predictably with complex biological systems which we hardly understand. While the fundamental technology may well exist, as I said, I’m not competent to evaluate it. I am competent to evaluate the interactions of something with a complex biological milieu. When we have at best a primitive understanding of interacting systems, I don’t know where a designer would begin to build something intended to interact with it in a coherent manner.
I watch for insights from others in these areas. We’ve sufficient concerns already, whether or not the nanobots piece is reduced to practise.
This post exhibits all I know on the topic. No one should rely upon it in any way.
Have you seen the posts on Substack by Dr. Ana Mihalcea. She shows the self-assembling nanoparticles in videos.
Also, here is a link to another article by former Pfizer employee, Karen Kingston, who gives additional information as well.
We are moving into a whole new world... this is truly frightening!
Thanks for those references. Very disturbing to actually see it via microscope, no denying it’s real.
It has been suggested that self assembling nanobots may have the potential to transmit an individual signature for each human host they are embedded in that may be read by (5G) networks. The purpose being to track each one of us with concomitant ambitions to eventually control each and everyone (presumably excepting our masters.) Cyborgs anyone? Cyborgs everyone?
Appreciate your response Mike. Thank you.
I watched the video, but didn’t see you mention the supplements? What are the main ones? Thanks!
I think the moral of the story is that the evil powers that be control all sides. ALL. When Lucifer was cast down earth became his playground and oh how we’ve all been played. Anything that you buy in a store that you put on your skin or in your mouth is tainted by evil.
One other possibility is that these studies have no more credibility than all those other studies that touted the efficacy of the Vaxxx, supported anticholesterol policies etcetcetc.
Ivermectin is widely used in Africa, for example, and Africa seems to be the poster boy for population increase. It could be that, rather than demonizing ivermectin, the takeaway should be that certain supplements have a negative interaction with ivermectin regarding fertility, so avoid them when taking ivermectin, and don't take ivermectin 365 days a year, etc.
I agree. On the FLCCC website they even say in the protocol that Ivermectin is used that you are NOT to use it at the same time as certain other supplements. They even provide a schedule for anyone interested in taking it because THERE ARE certain interactions you want to avoid.
Indeed. The FLCCC protocol says not to take Ivermectin with quercetin.
That’s certainly possible.
Review the evidence and decide.
That’s what I did.
The weight of evidence is on the side of ivermectin being a depopulation agent.
I think they use Africa as the place they test on and lie about their population numbers. It’s always some distant country. They tell you whatever you want to hear and just push their pharma drugs. It’s really unbelievable and they are doing it to the world. This is the definition of madness.
I believe you are correct and points to the root of our dilemma.
If it comes from God who created all things and He declared, it is good.
If it comes from man, who is fallen, not so good.
Excellent point.
I want to point something out. I’m not making any comments about whether ivermectin works as claimed to eliminate insect parasites. It may well do that. Short course could destroy susceptible organisms.
There’s no conflict between that concept and this information about mammalian reproductive toxicity.
It wouldn’t be at all surprising for such a molecule to have multiple properties. It’s more common that not.
Those in the West using ivermectin are not infested with parasites. They cannot gain this theoretical benefit. So don’t risk it.
Obviously it doesn’t cure divoc-91. That is an imaginary “viral” illness.
Review some of the old papers on ivermectin and mammalian fertility for yourself.
Then ask how this anti-parasitic ended up in your consciousness.
Well as a 60 year old who has had a hysterectomy, ivermectin is just fine with me. Just like all pharmaceuticals there are side affects that you need to weigh. It is given in weekly doses in malaria ridden countries and they do t seem to have fertility problems from what I can tell. India, Africa, South America, Asia…. Just saying…
In my mums case Ivermectin saved her life. She had triple dose at 80 years old. For 16 months she had suffered with scabies which got to a bad case of crusted scabies. Her arms had turned into reptile skin with a bad rash all over her body. Little sleep due to constant itching, and was loosing her mind. She had tried many protocols prior, creams and natural therapies. In two weeks she was back to normal. Fortunately no major side affects except swollen ankles.
Oh well is it an alternative birth control?
They want to sterilize everyone!
But wait how we got to be 8B habitants? Sometging tells me those numbers are another lie.
Depopulation agenda =psyops.
Overpopulation count= more psyops
COVID virus does noy exist= psyops
COVID exist= psyops
Virus do not exist it is all in your head= psyops
HERPES= WTF is it? Virus/noVirus camp .....
Student Loans that do not go away because the head of financial psychopats in a domed place called "earth" got you by the balls . THIS IS NOT A PSYOPS.
Are you crazy? I dont wanna pay for your student loans but I will gladly pay taxes to finance the war machine around earth.
Psyops or not?
Dems VS Reps.... 100% PSYOPS
Lets face it folks.....we got screwed and we keep getting screwed with barbed wire baseball bats.
It is not a world of good vs evil (that is a psyops btw) it is a world of Evil Vs MORE Evil.
Overpopulation as a problem is definitely a PsyOp.
As to how many people there really are, I’ve no idea.
Way back……we used Ivermectin as a horse dewormer. BUT…..first we did a fecal worm count on the horses. IF they had a significant infestation we determined what kind of worm and treated with the appropriate product. Wormers disrupt the microbiome and should ONLY be used when necessary. Ivermectin is a POISON. All wormers are poison. All pharmaceutical drugs are poison. Am I surprised by Dr. Yeadon’s statements? Absolutely not.
There’s no conflict between possible uses to kill worms and babies.
Thank you for what you're doing. Especially on ivermectin. Mind-blowing.
However I believe the official Mike Yeadon channel on Telegram is: (please see
Sorry about that- It's been updated on all posts.
Tim, I have always valued your work so fron the time you wrote about Ivermectin a year ago, I have stopped talking about it. Everywhere we look there are traps. Thank you for exposing this one.
Verrrrrry interesting.
There is a globalist plan and there is another plan. But all plans aim to agenda 2030 and WEF digitalization and survelliance. We all have figured out that globalism does not work. The plan of financially keeping people on a debit economy that can be supported with perpetual wars is what is gping on since WWI. Do not let any side tell you they are working for your wealth or health.
So now, Ivermectin is a poison? And if we've taken it, we should get off all supplements so the body can excrete it? Forgive the over-simplification, but what advice might you have for those who have taken it?
That’s a good short form.
Furthermore, unless you are acutely reliant on a medicine, such as if you have diabetes, consider tapering off most to all pharmaceutical products.
And this is me. 30+ years in pharmaceutical R&D.
It’s so easy to deceive.
Hard to persuade that you’ve been deceived.
If you are diabetic you can reverse insulin resistance with the "lifestyle medicine" of a high fat, low carbohydrate diet, anywhere along the spectrum from keto to carnivore. Of course, no one should go off pharma drugs cold turkey, as the body can be too jolted by the sudden change, but tapering off should be the goal.
Truly...awkened to the Rx/food industry racket 10 yrs ago and got off pharmaceuticals with the help of equivalent herbs and suppliments...doing the best I could to buy quality and do my due diligence in research... Was able to reverse almost all afflictions and they were many. Now I have a lot of misgivings on the suppliments I take that seem to switch to taking more herbs and making my own seems a way to get what my diet lacks instead of capsules from a store... and to cleanse and detox the poisons we are subjected to on a daily basis til this insane stage show of a world plays out per se... I tell ya these them Theys are evil geniuses in what they do... It's unworldly, lol. Keep plugging away and do the best yas can do eh.... ✌
It is known that Ivermectin remains in the body for some time after dosage, and thus, outside of a medical emergency, Ivermectin is not advised to be administered daily, as far as I know. For example, according to the WHO ( ), "WHO recommends treating onchocerciasis [river blindness] with Ivermectin at least once yearly for 10 to 15 years." It is known that 1) Bill Gates has been poisoning and rendering infertile Africans in his various vaccination campaigns, and 2) the WHO is largely funded by Bill Gates both directly and through a number of cutout NGOs he funds, giving him a huge say in shaping WHO policy and programs, yet if ivermectin is actually the"safe-and-effective" anti-fertility drug that this statement by Dr. Yeadon seems to imply, why would Ivermectin treatment in Africa be recommended for only once a year?
Don't get me wrong--I applaud Dr. Yeadon for coming forward and blowing the whistle on his previous employer etc. regarding the mRNA gene therapy touted as a "vaccine" to prevent & stop transmission of the bogusly inflated danger of the CoViD-19 disease, among his various revelations. However, I would hardly characterise him as a master of subtle nuance, and so some of his statements really do beg the reader to delve into the papers he kindly cites for the missing nuance. This still leaves them problem that scientific papers are usually written under the expectation that the reader will have sufficient background education to know how to "fill in the blanks" when interpreting the results & meaning of the papers, sometimes an almost insurmountable obstacle for the average reader.
We’re under attack by globalists who are wreaking total war upon us.
Decisions are to be made in that context imo.
On balance, I think the evidence is strongly that under certain circumstances ivermectin can damage fertility.
I think it’s an unremarkable idea.
If you don’t think there’s a globalist plan to enslave & kill most of us, you will regard some of my remarks as extreme.
Injecting 6 billion people with intentionally harmful material under the lie that there is a global pandemic ought to be sufficient evidence for you. No?
I have zero disagreement with Dr. Yeadon's statement about the draconian plans of the globalist oligarchs to destroy and enslave humanity. I am not convinced that Ivermectin is part of that plan. When I have the time, I will read the papers. No one should taken anyone's word for anything without examining the facts, particularly these days, when we have seen so many experts (i.e., persons who should be considered unbiased experts if the were properly fulfilling their mandated roles) who have been captured or coerced into misleading or outright lying to the public. Note that I do not in any way intend to imply that Dr. Yeadon is such a debased person.
Dr Yeadon, how long do you feel this infertility effect can last after a person has taken IVM along with the inhibitors for 5 days, 2 separate times? Thank you~
Your points are well made. Could it be the research papers on the harms of Ivermectin could be a forgery to discredit the use of Ivermectin? One simply has to question everything we are told and even read at this juncture.
How could he be a bio chemist and not know anything about supplements or ivermectin ?
Maybe the same way pediatricians don’t know anything about vaccines except for they were told in medical school? Same way virologists do t know viruses have never been isolated and purified? Dogma. Scientism. 🤷🏻♀️
Dogma, scientism, attachment to their investment in all the training/indoctrination, vested interest, and credentialism.
Most modern supplements were not on sale when I was training.
I don’t frequent those brightly lit stores.
When I once did recently I thought “What the dickens are all these chemicals?”
My first thought was “These are most likely benign placebos designed to steal money from the wealthy worried well”.
I had neither time nor motive to start looking them up. Several though i immediately warned people off, like quercetin. When I was at university it was a recognised renal toxin, iirc. Dyor.
Also, how do you go about researching them?
I know now that the journals are captured.
We are at The End Of The Scientific Method.
Ok? No one can help us with these detailed questions because almost all accessible sources are corrupted or likely to be.
Biochemistry is a huge field, and one cannot "specialize" in everything, would be my guess.
Mr True were you the one providing research to Yeadon that he referenced on Delingpod?
Some of your research articles you gave Dr. Yeadon may have focused on Ivermectin that may have had fertility inhibitors added and not be the Ivermectin used during covid or created by the Japanese Dr. who discovered Ivermectin. We need clarification soon Dr. Yeadon appears to think Ivermectin used for Covid has grave side effects and as Dr. Chetty of an African country who seems highly ethical did not note these side effects this needs to be clarified immediately to avoid people panicking and to protect Dr. Yeadon’s reputation. Please respond.
In which papers specifically do you think ivermectin was spiked with different toxins?
Do note, there are dozens of papers with convergent results.
It’s possible they’re all faked.
But that’s less likely than ivermectin having adverse effects on reproductive health.
You’ll need some solid evidence for your defence of ivermectin. I’m open to it. But wishing this wasn’t true isn’t a strategy.
Finally. I get no benefit from backing one notion over another. I seek only truthfulness.
I do not doubt what you have been saying nor the data you provided however, the question that nags at me is what about the fertility in the poorer African countries where Ivermectin has been liberally and famously distributed? They certainly do not appear to have any problem with having children so quite the opposite of infertile. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance for your input.
The back lash on your remarks on Deligpole article on Lioness of Judah was so strong and quick to call you out because many folks thought they had a positive result from the drug Ivermectin caused me to question where the info you had presented had come from which led me to this substack. I am in no position to question the research since I have no access to it but questioned that the Ivermectin compound might have had other components added to it
to cause an effect on fertility in various applications. The response here was my way of trying to clarify your position and you have done that. I trust you and believe your remarks represent the facts as you see them- thank you. P.s. I have not personally taken Ivermectin but there was push back from those who had in the comments o L of J who were truly unwilling to believe the info. My response was I would wait and see because I trusted you.I still do - people have a hard time with info that may call their judgement into question especially if they believe Ivermectin “saved” them from what they believe was Covid.
BTW, I’m not disagreeing with him, I’m just shocked that he says he didn’t know.
Astonishing but true. I believed EVERYTHING right up to early 2020 and it took me a long time to realise that “Everything an authority figure told you is a lie”.
I was a very compliant rebel all my life and never fell over a reason to question the bigger picture.
Frankly, it is a badge of Honor when any professional, particularly of the status of Dr Mike, admits that he did not or does not know something. It is impossible for any of us to know everything. But it seems almost impossible for most of us to admit it and it is only with truthfulness that we can move forward. I trust Dr Mike and I am sticking with him as I know that you are. We will see what Revelations come next before we can come out with a true judgment concerning the use of ivermectin.
I went to school to be a pharmacy tech 2, the number of new drugs pharmaceutical companies pump out yearly is insane. You have to constantly stay updated on these new drugs. It’s not only the drugs that make the commercials, that’s just a small handful. Drugs in the nuclear pharmacy/cancer pharmacy field come out in staggering numbers. I had to memorise the route each drug takes through the body , some are absorbed differently travel through the body in different ways I won’t get into. I also had to know the classifications which are decided by the drugs potential for abuse and the drugs potential for serious side effects. You have to remember red flags, drugs that don’t mix without doing damage, and the drug names actual/generic. Vitamins are also studied. Just for a tech it’s a lot to remember, it’s pretty easy to fall behind if you don’t constantly pay attention. Also this is sounds a lot like thesis and anti thesis with both sides causing serious harm to patients.
Thanks. My formal training ended in 1985. The rest was “on the job” and never once touched on drugs beyond my field and allied diseases, such as immunology, inflammation etc
Thank you Dr. Yeadon. 🙏
I’m firmly in the no virus zone, I applaud & respect Mike immensely for speaking out. I asked the question humbly because I simply didn’t know. I can only imagine how insane & crazy it could be in the pharmacy world after I spent years researching different treatments for my husband’s prostate cancer, which he went the TOOKAD focal ablation route at MSK.
Very sorry to hear your husband is going through this, after pharmacy school I actually completely lost interest in pharmacy and started preaching natural medicine. After pharmacy we got into the business side of pharmacy, it left me in complete shock. Pharmacy is a cesspool of half truths, Greed, and side effects. I believe in antibiotics, antivirals, and that’s about it. God made the world perfect, disease is man made, we are introducing imperfections into a perfect system and reaping all negative rewards of it. I believe God gave us the cure for anything we come across in nature, we just been trained to believe otherwise. Most of the cancer medications we learned about on the nuclear end actually caused cancer, you had to be suited up with a revers flow hood just to reconstitute most of them. Also ya Michael is a total blessing, there are not a lot of people out there as brave as he is. I think everything went south when the Rockefellers forced petroleum based medications into the world. Thing would be a lot different if that never happened. God bless, I hope your husband makes a full recovery.
Actually, in my former life as a scientific indexer of toxicology years ago.. I did note that Ivermectin was promoted but because I am way past child bearing and also I don't take stuff that like you said I have never heard of it.. (and I am a biochemist too by education) but as you well know the Biochemistry and Pharmacology is a a huge field now where lots of charlatans along w/ the holistic shamans.. hang around I never bought it or tried it.. along w/ the other "so called" prophylactic/whatever/cocktail of drugs by the snake oil salesmen.. whatever. As a former virologist *years ago, I did get Covid three times and remain unvaccinated; it was a rough one but I did get through it. I could actually feel the Neurological changes in my brain like an extreme headaches... which I never get.. and I took a 500 mgs of aspirin and 65 mg of (Back and Body Aspirin) caffeine, zinc, and Vitamin C and Z-Pac for a week round the clock. The Sars 2 Covid virus belongs to the "flu/cold virus family and all those "so called supplements".. other than the usual ones like Vit C and Zinc.. and I didn't bother to look up the actual chemicals (I am 74) compound of Ivermectin because I was passed it,, and I never took it.. The problem is that for those who were trying to have children or fertility analysis of either the male and female is because it is not possible based on Ivermecton use alone: people use a what I call a cocktail of drugs.. and also drink, use other types of drugs, legal and illegal, etc. I quit drinking yeas ago and do not use drugs nor did I ever (blessed be the Lord)! There are so many reasons why fertility is damaged in men and women which are totally not related to single drug. I don't want to get into the neoadjuvant issues or adjuvant issues w/ regard to cancer but that cannot be discounted, I am opposed to Chemo and neo-adjuvants.. yep.. my field was in oncology so you know I think very differently just based on that statement: but your explanation sounds as reasonable as any one else's given the birth rate has dropped precipitously but frankly who knows why? Thanks for your post. I will glance at the other comments as well.. Nope didn't buy or use it neither did anyone in my family who also did not get the vaccine. We come from a long line of scientists on both side of the family. My grandfather (yes) was a PhD in Chemistry in Germany pre-WW2.. so.. we all learned to think for ourselves ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. Sounds like a good explanation to me. !