AS soon as I heard it was synthetic... it was an instant NO for me!

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Thanks Tim, this is an under appreciated post for sure with excellent chemical toxicological explanations.

As you likely know, the wicked not-so-undercover witch of substack is now pushing this depopulation witches brew on the unsuspecting zombies still walking the planet:


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All very dandy, the problem is that the FDA and the CDC are still trying to kill us all and make a profit while at it.. Most publications are paid for gain-of-function. 100% of anything coming from big pHARMa ind. is synthetic. So, yes some of this could be true, but I do not believe anything the FDA says or publishes. AND Methylene Blue is in every emergency room in the world, anti parasidic, used since 1886 and the only thing that I know actualy collects hydrogel from our contaminated blood strem and helps to detoxify the body...and has other life saving features not found in any other compound like saving your mitochondria if you get a heart attack or stroke or Carbon Monoxide poisoning.. I try to avoid the hydrogel-chemtrail that we are sprayed on 24/7 by USAF and NATO planes that enters the ground waters and poisons everything we intake.... I take M.blue every third day with Sodium Ascorbate alternating with EDTA, Sodium Citrate, Ozonated Charcoal...until I find something that works better... Any suggestions how to save humanity anyone?

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Well done, Tim. Is it not curious that front line truthers have been pushing poisons that will help bind your neurons to the neural interface since IVM?


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Dosis sola facit venenum.

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Bravo to Tim Truth !

Excellent research and thanks for putting it out there .

May all the dumb-tards praising the synthetic crap at Dr. Ana's stack WAKE THE HELL UP !!

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Tim Truth, your finger is on the pulse. You have that inner knowing working perfectly well. I listen to Jessica Arael Marrocco on YouTube where she interviews Peter the Insider often. He's a supersoldier who works for an organization called ACIO, some type of alien organization that has been around for a long time, who overlook what is happening in the worlds here. And he said in a video recently, about a month ago, that they, the cabal, were intending to poison the population, and that in order to fight against it, we have to keep a high frequency of love. So instead of fighting against each other, we have to forgive, use patience, and encourage a higher soul response to all of our dealings. Here's the link to what video I was talking about: https://youtu.be/V89EohtO9rM

It's called "04-25-2023 Disclosures with Peter the Insider - Recent Mission Update - Rain Storm Corp."

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what is the weight to dose ratio for those rats? what would the equivalent be for a human? I'm not going to use it no matter what. it seems weird, but i wonder how much of it they were giving to these rats by body weight.

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