They used to have 3" & 6" resolution orthophotos available for download from the County's GIS website. Guess what - they're "no longer available".... https://columbiana-county-gis-data-columauditor.hub.arcgis.com/pages/downloads If you go to their interactive web map viewer and search for Parcel 67-00403 and zoom in really tight, it looks like they are using the leaf-off high-res orthos as a basemap, but it doesn't look quite detailed enough to be 3" or 6", unless they've purposely resampled it to be smaller file size & display speed for the web viewer... And I'm not seeing any metadata to show when they were flown. The car in question is not visible on the tracks at the location you are interested in. County orthos aren't typically flown every year, especially very high-res in a rural area, so this imagery could be 3-4 yrs old. In my state, they only fly every 4 yrs or so, when they are fixing to do property revaluations, unless it's a large & wealthy urban area.

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We the village of Negley 3 miles down stream of E. Palestine, have been fighting the Government & OEPA / ODNR FOR 20 YEARS Permitting our village Drinking water 16- first order class 3 streams best in state, and 2 Aquifers Taken & Destroyed to permit a DUMP over the village ! Three years ago We discovered we had Ancient Indian Mounds & system in Negley ! The twice Documented Mound is Twice the size of Monks Mound Cahokia which is claimed to be the largest pre-Columbian earth work in North America, it is not ! The Governor of Ohio has been fighting us in ERAC - Environmental Review Appeals Commission for 4 terms ! Two terms as Attorney General for the oepa & dump and two terms as Governor of Ohio having his attorney general do the same, THEY DO NOT REPRESENT US ! ?

For the past 3 years the government as refused to acknowledge the Oldest, Largest, Paleo Indian Mounds and last remaining ancient advanced City not built over in North America , The Dump documents claimed no important Ancient archaeological sites ,within 3 miles of dump, yet our twice documented Mound documented in the 1914 archaeological atlas of Ohio as Adena ! I do not no if you noticed the Governor snicker on the news - when he said I'm getting out of here before they light the rail car bomb off ? This takes care of the World Heritage Site , and Negley's Drinking water fight , and the gov. can monitor how the poor folks of the area, handle the toxic barrage ! A win, win, Win, for the corrupted Criminal entity ! Lets not forget contaminating central North Americas Food belt to the gulf of Mexico ! MAYBE THIS HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH THIS FREAK ACCIDENT ?

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This explains so much with DeWine and his corruption. He needs criminally prosecuted for what he has done all these years to our state. I didn’t see his response to the burn, but I did see the pompous crap with the staged photo op saying the water was safe to drink for these residents. Plus telling them it was safe to return home after the burn and we know it wasn’t. I had already come to the conclusion this was no accident before reading all of this and now there is no doubt about it. How do we stop this monster. He opened the door to this and told the criminals to have at us. We are only 60 miles west of all this. It could have been any of our communities with these rail lines going through, but now I am seeing exactly why it happened in East Palestine. Once they did they did the burn they exposed many of us to these deadly toxins.

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Interesting. Very. I have been watching this situation very closely. Something is not right about this whole situation and it goes deeper than simply ignoring a toxic spill.

They waited about two weeks before they even acknowledged anything had happened. That itself was abnormal. When they did finally acknowledge it their response was very strange.

They didn't want to find anything toxic. That is understandable for those people because its the way the operate and I expect it. But there is more to this story.

I'm hearing there is a man in that area that had 240 oil wells and the government seized 100 because they said the wells were polluting the area or something similar. Then I heard instead of shutting them down they made some arrangement to have the wells remain in operation.

I don't know for sure if that is true. But if it is you can some politicians business partner, friend, or relative got some sort of sweetheart deal. Don't know if all that is true. But even if it is or is not true I still think there could be more to this.

I am wondering if they are planning to seize thousands of acres of prime farm land by deeming it contaminated. If they do they will do it under the "Windfall Lien" provision probably. Which basically means the landowners are shit out of luck financially.

I'm not sure what the exact play is but they are up to something. Too many things do not make sense.

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Seizing the land falls in line with the Agenda 2050 plan and we know DeWine is as corrupt as they come. This is a substack I read on it yesterday: https://health-seeker.blogspot.com/2023/02/what-does-america-2050-high-speed-rail.html?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email.

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East Palestine , Negley Ancient Advanced Paleo Indian Mound system, Largest Oldest in North America - Cover-up & Destruction

https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.326853151766921&type=3 ,



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This substack was written about agenda 2050. Look at the maps, especially where they noted East Palestine: https://health-seeker.blogspot.com/2023/02/what-does-america-2050-high-speed-rail.html?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email.

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Superb investigative work! To add to this, MJTruth (CandlesInTheNight on Telegram just posted that the chemicals in Norfolk Southern were being transferred to a newly opened Shell Plant in Conway, Pennsylvania. Kerry Cassidy on Project Camelot recently interviewed Dr Robert O Young about the chemical weapons in East Palestine. The EPA lied about it being vinyl chloride. It was actually vinylidene dichloride. When burned (oxidizes), it becomes phosgene, a chemical weapon used in WW I that killed 85,000 people. It was being transferred from Dow Chemical in Madison, Illinois. The wind then blew it 1200 miles north and eastwards. It traveled south by waterways. After it combines with moisture in the air, it drops particles into the soil.

The Dow plant in Madison goes by the cover name of Spectrulite, across the Mississippi River from St Louis. The EPA uses it as a toxic clean-up site for toxic chemicals. The vinylidene dichloride was used to clean uranium rods and then stored in steel holding tanks. The carbon in the chemical is very flammable when exposed to heat.. This then is radioactive material that will last in the soil and water for 1,000 years. The chemical formula for phosgene is COCl, a colorless gas that is a highly potent pulmonary irritant.

The new Shell petrochemical plant in Beaver County, PA sits along the Ohio River. The facility will convert fracked natural gas into polyethylene, to make common plastic products. It has been permitted to release up to 159 tons of fine particulate matter and 522 tons of volatile organic compounds every year. Speculation has risen that any ill health changes in the local population can be blamed on the East Palestine spill to protect the Shell plant. Inside Climate News reported on the plant 's environmental hazards.

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Analysis of Super 8 (2011) and White Noise (2022) which revealed foreknowledge of this deliberately perpetrated derailment, as well as an explanation as to why they did it at my Facebook page Cyprian Crawford


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All your references are to a 'car' - like it is a train car - but there are no rail tracks on that side. It looks more like a semi-truck trailer that was driven and parked there. What businesses are in that vicinity that have access to that strip of land?? You can look up 'illegal dumping' and find many many instances of people dumping all forms of crazy & illegal ingredients into waterways around the globe....and many issued fines and clean-up requirements.

Could that have been a dump trailer for some form of illegal dumping waste product? Obviously the trailer was present for a long period of time - so product could have been added and 'leaked' slowly into those drain pipes - then follow the rest of your theory - it continues to the Gulf.

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The train, according to a report posted earlier, was on its way to Conway, PA. Conway is one of the largest railway hubs in the country for Norfolk Southern. Its 25 miles from Pittsburg. and adjacent to the Shell plant that began operations last November. See video:.


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How about this action? Those toxins are heavier than water. So what happened when they strung all of those booms across the top of the water? It forced the toxins to flow. They did build a dam, that makes sense! But now the rain has washed it away…. So they fucking pooled the toxins by impeding the flow of water and then dumped a great booger of it.

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Awful lot of green grass and leafy trees in those "january/February " pics

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Lots of green grass and leafy trees in those supposed "january/February " pics

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